You're welcome

Blizzard felt the weight of my loss, listened to reason, and thus duo queue RBGs were born.


how so? can we queue rando bgs, rated solo bgs and solo shuffle now?

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All in good time m’boy. I’m basically just going to rebuild my UI, make sure I’m honor capped and wait until we can. Lol

I just can’t believe they did the right thing and made it solo/duo queue off the bat.

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Should be up to 3 people but max 1 dps.

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Imagine if they did the shuffle like this as well…

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I would have liked solo/duo/trio just because of how common it was to be in comms with 1-2 other people on, but never enough to make an RBG group quickly.

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Healers can play with a duo in the new Battleground Blitz mode.

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Oh, it is healer only for duo? Guess that’s fine for me since it’s all I play, but I don’t see the harm in letting any combination queue so long as it’s within the bounds of allowable roles.

Speaking of which, what’s the breakdown going to be role-wise? I know it’s 8v8.

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5 healers 1 DPS 1 tank 1 Aug

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Sucks that it’s restricted to 1 dps/1 healer.

Would have been nice if it was just open to any role but limited to 2.

This is for my own selfish reasons because I have 0 friends who want to heal.


Oh thank god you’re back.

It’s been horrible here.

I think Grandpop missed you so much, they rerolled to a class that has a healing spec.

Welcome back!


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Still waiting on Doors/Jim ret war…

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Well, yeah. It’s not like they’re gonna exclude a role. The only concern is how they’ll handle tank balance because imagine bear vs prot pala. :dracthyr_sweat:

prot palas easily delt with. they do take like 125% increased pvp damage yknow

but bear and veng is the real problem

That’s the issue.

well sure. nerf their healing by like 60% and give them their 70% reduction in line with other tanks.

prot palas are durable asf for their group utility and op healing and the dmg inc isnt really effective when their heal scales off remaining hp when 1 global bumps em 100%

Tanks being included in a bg bracket is very good imo, just make it easy by having tanks only vs tanks of the same spec (guardian vs guardian).