You're welcome

I knew he’d back. My memes through Discord were too enticing. And I was adjusting a door in my house and it slipped and slapped my mother in law in the face. I knew the omen meant something good. The Holy Duo is whole again.


Mother in law face slaps are very powerful spells. Good to be back in the trenches with you, brother in arms.


The enemies will be crushed beneath our might, extensive vocabulary and sharp wit.


Everything just seems right again.


Called a Rogue a dork earlier, I feel whole again. Lol


You probably caused a psychotic break. Rogue players are typically fragile. He’s probably sobbing into his Jessie from Team Rocket body pillow while shoveling Takis into his mouth. Haha, owned. The force is balanced.


We’re talented men. Rogues beware, the depths of our willingness to insult them knows no boundary. Also I’ve basically read books for two straight months, so my edge is sharpened. Lol

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Efx is titillated beyond belief


Nice. I read my two year old Lords of Discipline.

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His edge is sharpened as in his weapon. Not that Doors is edging. Efx needs to get his head out of the gutter.


Hey quit slacking, I need you.

I saw it, and smiled.

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Dude. I watched 7!!! of us beat on a guardian druid for so long my cooldowns came up twice in a bg i was like wtf.

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Bear druids are INSANELY busted in the defensive market. Like you think prot war has defensives, wait untill you see a bear druid. Theyre 5x better than warriors by a mile

Right. I don’t even bother fighting them tbh. I have better things in a bg to do.

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You should see the complaint threads in the bg forum about blood DKs in Ashran.

imagine all the drool, more like