You're seriously gating the rares now? (Yes Karokta)

Not that I was looking forward to it but during the patch preview they really pushed snail racing as a thing.

I was picturing some timegated thing where overtime you’d get more snail abilities and kit your snail out to eventually be stupidly fast.

But the snail racing we got did not deserve a mention as upcoming content lol


This zone as a whole has already been a mess with tons of heavy bugs and a lack of innovative content. This weird decision is some of the stuff I would’ve expected from pre-DF Blizzard. Dictating which content we can enjoy and should do and then ultimately breaking stuff with this mentality and making everything more miserable.
For me 10.1 is almost as bad as the Twitter content patch in WoD.


This part always cracks me up. No one is forcing anyone to do anything.

Now the really upsetting thing is no one uses “slap in the face” anymore and I haven’t had a drink in ages.

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This expansion is getting worse day by day lmao


It is forced for people who want the drop. How do you get the drop? You kill the thing. Is there any other way? No. How rare is it? Very. Does drastically reducing how often you kill it make it even worse? Yes.

I knew people like you would have something to chime in with. I asked for an alternative suggestion if you wanted to be close-minded, yet I don’t see one. Go gripe somewhere else if you lack critical thinking to see the issue at hand.


If that’s the only thing this game offers at end game, this game will bleed out subs at a level we’ve never seen.

Bad idea, Blizzard. Rethink this strategy if this is true.


It did that in shadowlands.


Honestly? It’s probably more exciting than one would think, given the other options down there. :sweat_smile:

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And shockingly, I, and many others, left when that happened.


I actually did a 6 month sub when that happened.
I hate questing lol

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Having such good vibes for this one.


I was being tongue in cheek. I miss normal/herioc modes.

LFR has been fun for me in lieu of those however!

It seems like they’re trying to train players not to login every day.


Sadly lots of peeps have receieved one too many a ‘slaps in the face’ from blizz and just moved on from the game.


Starting to kinda feel like a bait-and-switch happened here. We had several patches with new stuff and a constant feeling like “well it’s not perfect but it’s better” and now it’s like “just kidding here’s more of the same! But this time we’re gonna do it worse!”


The raid is decent, but I feel that most of their future efforts are going into the 10.1.5 patch and that Zaralek was more of an afterthought than anything else.

You can do the horn-icon mini events but yeah, that’s about it.

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I mean, as far back as vanilla it was endgame group instances or die.

This game has always been that if you want to progress to the top.

But needlessly time-gating content, even when said content isn’t going to push players to the top of that gear treadmill to compete with folks who do the logistics of pulling together a regular raid/M+ group, is… Ugh. Just bafflingly cumbersome.

And this appears to be time-gating rewards that don’t even apply to that sacred gear treadmill.


Which can only mean it’s a retention strategy which they’re gonna find backfiring really really badly.


What concerns me here is: is this their prophylactic bandaid being messily adhered now because of the chaos going on behind the scenes with the forced return to the office hemorrhage of talent?

Because that’s kind of where my mind goes.

As others have stated in this thread: even this “clarification” doesn’t clarify because it makes no sense.

If they were trying to not have it be their usual copy pasta zone of rare farming, then they should have done better to make that clear.

As it is now, well, if a rare is up and there is a population of players to kill it when I’m in the zone on my way to other things then sure. Otherwise I’ll pass until I can solo these things myself.

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