"You're not supposed to be good at everything"

If you boils down any spec to their bare bone roots they all are essentially the same. But to say that a fire mage plays the same a glacial spike mage is just… categorically wrong. One pumps all its damage into a 10 second burst window from which it maximizes it’s ability to cleave the ignite onto adjacent mobs. The other has almost zero on demand burst and instead builds enormous nukes that spread out its damage along the length of an encounter, and makes it truly scary in 2 target cleave.

Those aren’t the same thing at all. Sure if you want to call it spam X to proc Y and press CD Z… Well congrats… the entire game has been that way since day 1.

Lol if you think no LFR and no flying are what makes classic popular. So what are you going to say when classic BC happens and blows classic vanilla out of the water? Will it be “oh I guess it was just LFR”?


Big true I agree with you, (and personally) I wish there was some aspect/design that made me look forward to who was in my group besides who could do big dam when we need it. I see m+ and arena have this more apparent than raid, although I love raiding more than the other 2 (even though I am not good in any area really).

Dude ive been playing mages for 15 years. Yeah, no… they arent distinct. And for that matter they are essentially the same as the other casters. You might get away with saying that they arent the same as melee but even there the rotations still boil down to:

Primary, secondary, proc, cooldown, aoe, movement, control, and counter. Every single class works exactly like this. If you dont get how thats homogenized I dont know what to tell you.

You say this because youve never played a game where your character doesnt deal damage but is still effective in giving utility to their party.

Oh and yes there was a time when this was true but people like the OP complained about how their character wast performing as well on the dos meter. Sure enough the interesting utility that class had to provide were taken out in favor of making them all part of the dos rat race.

Ah, so you want buff classes. Got it. Honestly, I think I’d personally enjoy playing a buff class. That being said, I’m not sure how well the community would take to them. Also doing stuff on your own would be a pain.

I love BC and hate flying.

Flying is bad because Blizzard doesn’t have the creative energy to make expansion after expansion after expansion that make CREATIVE USAGE out of flying. BC did flying well. WOTLK was hit-or-miss. There’s a strong argument to be made that part of what made MoP suffer sub-wise even though it supposedly had legendary class design and good content was that players were detached from the world (which motivated all their island content to be no-flying leading into the release of WoD that had no flying at all).

The design of no flying on timeless isle, isle of thunder and isle of giants come from isle of Quel’danas (which gave inspiration to molten front)…

How’d that turn out, by the way? How many subs were gone after that announcement?

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Which was great content that is loved by many. Very likely one of the things Blizzard looked at when they saw BC engagement vs MoP engagement.

Partly but ive also olayed characters that excelled on avoiding damage or running fast or stealing or stunning/mezzing/ or controlling. This list goes on but has been lost amongst the ever screaming DPS bros wants to play epeen meter

Ya dude… I hear what you’re saying… but flying isn’t going anywhere. They already tried that playbook in WoD. I’ve only once seen the forums light ablaze so intensely in player outcry… and that was when Blizzard tried to force us to use our real ID to post on the forums.

Flying is here to stay. I’d say that’s the one thing that can be almost unanimously agreed upon… whether you like it or not… the vast majority of the player base wants flying.

I’ve never seen the forums so united against something.

Edit: And to be perfectly honest… I was one of those “anti-fliers” in those days… It… wasn’t a fun time. lol

You know how I know people who have thought “A” are in tribe “A?” Because everyone repeats what is basically nonsense. People who repeat Ion’s “you can’t be good at everything” gibberish do it in opposition to people who are warning about a system that will screw everyone.

If you would think critically for half a second instead of just blanking out any criticism directed towards Blizzard, you’d see that Covenant abilities being locked will only exacerbate the problem. Those specs that aren’t “meta knights”? Yeah, now you’re looking at even more people falling into those buckets because the combo they picked out of 144 spec/Covenant possibilities isn’t the meta.

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Well it’ll be fun to read the forums when shadowlands is live. If you think the io threads are popcorn worthy now, just wait. The gate keeping just added a few more locks.

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Which says…nothing, given that Cata had over 12 mil subscribers at its peak.
MoP had a really bad reception but is considered one of the best expansions. Ever since ION has taken over we have simply seen drop after drop after drop.
In fact, BFA is LESS popular than MoP was at MoP’s lowest point.

What’s that say to you?
Oh, and don;'t forget the massive sub drop during WoD when they tried to remove flying.

That’s called nostalgia mate. Many games that are re-released experience massive sales. Such as the tomb raider re-releases…in HD.
How many people bought warcraft 3 reforged?
Before you call someone dense, invest in your education and have a better understand of what contributes to sales.
I can’t have this discussion with you because you don’t have the knowledge to carry on this conversation. I don’t want to educate you the entire time while you scream about how you think you’re right.


One of the biggest ways to disrespect players. There are already plenty of hurdles in the game for players to have to overcome if they’re trying to be good at multiple types of content/roles/specs.

Forcing a limitation on players willing to go that extra mile is such a slap to the face.

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That is true. Personally I think a lot of those sound really fun, but at the end of the day… if your specific niche isn’t required for a fight… you’re literally dead weight. And once DPS gets high enough, control isn’t required anymore.

I can see how such classes could easily fall into complete disarray. They’d require constant attention to detail to ensure they aren’t being put on the side line constantly. Way easier to just balance dps numbers.

That being said… If I had a choice, I’d rather play what you’re describing.

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You seem like the angry one here

You’re right, the barrier to be good at everything has always been a option the player could undertake if they wanted to.

Obviously not everyone did this because it required a tremendous amount of time, effort and gold. Multiple sets of gear, different gemming, glyphs, respeccing (When it was in its old form).

Even if 1% of the population did this, why is Blizzard now instead not even allowing people to do this extent?

All i see people getting mad over people wanting to retain this are people who didn’t do any of the above screeching about how even though they didn’t min/max, they felt pressured too anyway and want it removed so they will never felt pressured to do it again??? Headscratcher.


all I know is from what Im reading there wont be any group play on my end. I REFUSE to have multiple characters in SLs.
Im running ONE DRUID in restoration.
if I can only change specs easily once a week (if that is true) I WONT be running dungeons because I AM NOT healing for these people again in current content…which means Im left running solo content only.

if what seems to be true is…good job screwing your game over yet again, blizzard…you seem to have developed quite a skill at it since about 2015 or so…if that hints at anything obvious.