"You're not supposed to be good at everything"

You keep talking about how you aren’t interested in these things but then go on to talk about you are interested in these things.

If you don’t care about optimizing your character by min/maxing, then you don’t need to worry about not having access to the abilities that you would use to optimize your character by min/maxing.

Fully disagree. I like playing my specs the way they are designed to be played.

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I read this as you people bicker like chickens and it’s hilarious how that still stands true :joy:

That being said, very good point on the fact that nothing changes for people who are not good at everything. It’s just almost like trying to bring down people who are good at a number of things, so that the average players can feel good about themselves? I say this because shortly after it was announced, an overwhelmingly large number of people were overjoyed by how “screwed over” the “1%ers and tryhards” would potentially get.


The reworks end up being what the players asked for 1 year and 6 months after they launch whatever crap system they are launching

These people read some crap from the hardcore mythic raiders about switching specs for every fight and they are terrified that someone is going to “force” them to do it. The thing is, they wont be forced because they are not even doing content that requires them to have decent gear. The content they are doing can literally be done by anyone in any spec.


Shamans have lust lol. Also why is this true for covenants? It gives you more utility in more situations, otherwise it is another limiting factor, why bring a kyrian player when venthyr is so much better in x content?

They are designed to be played without you needing to optimize them for dps output.

it’s actually weird how obsessed you are with trying to turn everything into a conversation about DPS and optimization

Its your topic about being obsessed that you cant optimize your character for dps while claiming you dont care about optimizing for dps.

nope, that’s something you made up to argue against. all in your head

Well then if its not about dps you have nothing to worry about.

ok but

and if BFA is any indication, specs feel far less fun than when they have their preferential borrowed powers unlocked regardless of the DPS output. could be preferentia lfor all kinds of reasons other than dps.

Well yes, because players werent happy not being able to show off their epeen in the dps rat race. So Blizzard homoginized all the classes so that nobody could complain.