We were never meant to be good at everything. Because if we were, we would have no need for others.
Therefore, our weaknesses can be others’ strengths, and vice versa.
We were never meant to be forever alone.
We were never meant to be good at everything. Because if we were, we would have no need for others.
Therefore, our weaknesses can be others’ strengths, and vice versa.
We were never meant to be forever alone.
Because you can swap, you can try them out. Maybe not in the ideal situations but you can still try them out then swap if something isn’t to your liking. Returning back will take a week to get back to norm I think they said which is fine.
A 24 hour window would’ve achieved the same problem Blizzard is artificially creating.
stop feeding the troll. he probably doesnt care one lick about any of this, hes just happy that you aren’t … there are some decent discussions on the topic … and then there are trolls like this one.
Translation: “Ion and I control your life. You are playing the game wrong and you will be stopped. You have zero choice in the matter.”
The truth does suck. And the truth is that publishing things like what you just wrote is going to “encourage” people to exercise their option to unsub. Right. Now.
You are making it sound like the playerbase is as antisocial as you. Seriously. If you want the game to continue to exist, you need to cut it out. Stop taking out your anger on the forum. You make the worst possible game out there sound better than wow.
This really doesn’t make any sense to me. If I can’t push my buttons the way the developers designed them to be pushed to be effective, why does it matter what they do to those buttons? Whoever can press them more effectively than I can are still going to be more effective than I am regardless of what the devs do.
I don’t see how any of that is entitlement. That’s a very weird and almost aggressive spin to put on it.
If your upset that Blizzard has added RPG restrictions and is limiting your choices I’d advise you to probably go find another game. It’s not going to change heavily until mid expansion and that’s if the majority of people hate it, which as it stands at the moment is not the case and so it might not even happen like everyone keeps saying in 9.2 or w/e.
If that’s what you got out of what I wrote then you need some serious help.
Why is this community so hostile?
Is it like this in game or is this just a forum thing?
And that is where class trials can come into play. Blizzard should make testing out covenants with a respectable amount gear for a trial to feel like how the class/covenant feels. That way you do not burn the trust with covenants on your main.
Or people can use ptr to test these things out.
The majority I’ve spoken with hate it.
I do expect it will change but it will do so too late.
That’s a neat idea.
I play a lot of RPGs. I don’t really know of any thay do things like this. Do you have any examples? I just played through the Witcher and it was very friendly to build changes. FF is also very friendly to it. Even single player RPGs, if we have a permanent choice coming up… don’t we all just save duplicate files in case we don’t like our choice?
Some players have the “if I don’t like it you shouldn’t like it too” mindset. That’s why some of these people apparently can’t even fathom a player wanting to be able to be optimal in all forms of content in the game. Imagine actually being able to pve AND pvp optimally.
You are the one who needs help with anger management. You clearly hate the majority of the playerbase and want them to be forced to do things against their will, because you are still stuck in the “you have no choice and I’m gonna love to see all your tears while I’m not actually playing the game myself” mode.
That would be nice if it allowed you test it out on any spec you wanted. That way you can know if one is worth it to you to level or not.
Why have distinct classes if you simply want every single one of them to simply be a DPS meter?
Goes both ways but cherry pick away I guess.
Skyrim and Fallout 4 are the only RPG’s that come to mind that doesn’t have much in the way of changing your build, though not it matters too much anyways in those games.
i dont see it nearly as much in game. but its hard to say. there are definitely many of these kinds of people in game as well.