You're basically forced to ignore the lore

I agree. I play the game also for other things than the lore but it’s hard to keep playing whenever I think about the Lore and how they keep spitting on my favorite race.

For me the main issue on how lore is handled is the fact that every story and event depicted in game is a setup for a future event, wich itself is a setup for another future event.
The last time we actually had a conclusion to a story in WoW was Cata, since then it’s always about “setting up the next threat”.
MoP set up WoD (Garrosh going to AU Draenor).
WoD set up Legion (Gul’dan coming to our timeline).
Legion set up BfA (Sargeras sword wounding Azeroth).
And now BfA sets up Shadowlands (Sylvannas breaks the veil between) wich is funny because this time it’s not even related to the final raid.

I miss the times when the threat was ended by the conclusion of an expansion and the next one brings a new story and events that are unrelated to the previous one.

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Also the lore has simply become stupid, the races that have been added are stupid, etc.

There’s too much stupid in wow to save not only wow, but Warcraft itself, as a franchise.

In Warcraft 4 we can have ninja turtles having pokemon battles with fox people on their anime mounts.



Although I do find it funny that some avowed socialists must have gotten hold of the Proudmoore storyline and inserted many, many jabs at capitalists and the wealthy. :laughing:

So is this the devs saying “BfA is the baseline now, just ignore everything that happened before because we screwed it up so badly”?

The problem is that whenever they focus on the faction conflict, ultimately no one feels satisfied because due to the limitations of having to make sure there is never a clear cut winner and always a window left open for future conflicts, there is never a satisfactory conclusion for either side and everyone is left feeling frustrated. A certain term springs to mind…

I never cared about the lore. Way better stories in books and on TV.

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That doesn’t really mean it’s a good thing. This is an RPG, and the story is always pretty integral to the game itself.

To be fair - whenever I see someone make a suggestion to add something cosmetic & fun to the game – Which addresses lore & celebrates it, there’s always someone that whinges that it’s “Not fair.” or “Greedy” of the opposing faction. Even if they propose something to give to the other!!

Heck, take this thread for example: 'Embrace of the Loa' Followers respect & Acknowledgement
Typically, someone starts raging it’s ‘gluttonous’, unfair etc yadayadayada.

I personally think having more addressing matters or references made to lore would be magnificent & beneficial to the game. It would make players curious. I mean, a part of what got me into the lore was people playing the trivia in Goldshire and I was curious to know more (lol) - For my friend it was NPCs making references to their artifact weapons.

Here’s to hoping we get to see some classic ole’ characters in Shadowlands; and multiple references too. :beers:

For Sylvanas loyalists, it’s revealed that Sylvanas used Ashvane to make a deal with Azshara – To free N’Zoth and bring about large amounts of death to feed into the Shadowlands.


Sad to say, but, WoW has gone on too long.

It’s time for Warcraft 4.

Of course, that will not happen.

Doesn’t mean it’s not time.

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Which is why they should be bold and NOT do that. The Horde should lose, flat out, period. The Alliance was simply more unified while the Horde had two Warchiefs that sparked civil war.

They don’t have to put Horde players in a jail or interfere with our gameplay, but the story needs to advance.

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Also we have an orbital lazer.

Basically a death star. Alliance has a death star.

Seriously. The Alliance story should be a debate of whether the Horde is too dangerous to allow to live autonomously. There’s literally nothing we can do against a death star.

But they already had the 'Fourth War", what a joke that was.


After 4th edition d&d, BFA, game of thrones final season, and disneywars I’ve learned that you can just declare something out of existence.

Edit: see also ghostbusters 2016, dr who, et al.

Azshara should have been the expansion threat. Nzoth the ulduar raid of the expansion. Horde loses too many characters in horrible fashion. Alliance has barely changed since day 1, just a younger version of the king.

Uh ? No.

This is the starting point that makes most sense for all classes/races to start at.

The story hasn’t been awesome since wotlk. MOP was good in the middle.

The rest has been trash, even legion. Legion only looked good because it followed wod, which was exceptionally terrible. By comparison, nearly anything would look good.

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You mean, aside from the fact that the quest text often leaves out important details or is misleading, and you have to look most of them up online anyway? Where is the “discovery” in that?

If they wanted us to carefully read the quests, they wouldn’t have half of the questgivers run off before we had a chance to.

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To be fair, this was also a time before internet downloading was possible. Plenty of the people I stood in line with were only interested in raiding.