You're basically forced to ignore the lore

I mean, I guess you were right, just not on the direction of it all.

Eh, I like getting to know the lore, but no matter how bad it gets it doesn’t take away from my enjoyment of the game.


Now i’m not saying Bfas story was perfect by any means but, its ridiculous to say that Blizzard has always had perfectly planned out stories with 0 retcons. The story didn’t randomly get weird now, its always been weird with a focus on rule of cool trumping pretty much everything else.

This goes both ways and you know it. In this circumstance, we can only make presumptions based on what we’ve seen: and what we’ve seen is that the Saurfang “pick a side” questline (which has absolutely 0 impact on the end results) was a last minute response. It was hollow, unfulfilling for either side, and a big waste of time and effort.

Second time you’ve used this line - it lost its appeal the first go around.

I don’t doubt they knew the end goal - but the map they followed to get there is a terribly confusing and unsatisfying one.

To be fair though, I did call most of the stuff that happened; none of it was original or surprising in the slightest.

And I have listened to every panel related to the story stuff since they started Blizzcon; I’m quite particular about keeping up to date with the story. What we know, and what they roll out, however, are not synonymous.


Yet it showed tremendous character growth for both Saurfang, and was a redemption arc for Thrall through Saurfang’s actions. It was a great bit of writing, where to do the honorable thing, Saurfang first had to betray the Horde itself.

How is it confusing ? It’s pretty straight forward.

Yet somehow didn’t know stories were planned 2 expansions ahead of time. Gotcha.

What was wrong with the Wii? I loved the WIi. It had some of my favorite games.

The Wii U, on the other hand, was a dumpster fire.

Did it though?

Saurfang laments the approach used to massacre Alliance civilians, not the fact that he was waging a pointless war. Was he complaining about civilians being murdered? No. He was crying about honor.

Growth would have been setting aside his ‘desire’ to want war to secure his people’s future, and instead embracing the values that Thrall had insisted upon.

Growth would have been breaking from the mold of endless slaughter as a means of dealing with the Alliance, and instead trying to work with them.

Saurfang had no intention of allying with the Alliance at any point, based on what we saw in game, to A) heal the world, B) face the old gods, C) make amends for the sake of making a better future.

He was wholly on board for war.

I’m well aware of the fact that Blizzard maps out the bullet points for their stories two expansions ahead of time (in most cases). That doesn’t mean that every bit of content and story is written out already. In many cases, they add things last minute, or remove things. E.G. all of Stormsong’s faction conflict.

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AKA : Instead of waging war on Orgrimmar, he opts to challenge Sylvannas, to spare the lives of every soldier gathered on the Battlefield.

Something you would have seen if you had bothered to follow the story.

The bullet points including Sylvannas being named Warchief, only to betray the horde and pierce the veil.

AKA : it was known all along there was no morally grey to Sylvannas.

Somehow, something hard for you to accept and understand.

The writing is fine. You guys are just looking for ways to bash Blizzard for everything and anything, as always.

Lol, the thinly veiled insults and piss poor attitude in your responses gets real tiring, just to be upfront.

I did follow the story, which is why I made a very well informed decision to stop investing in the game’s future development.

Just because Saurfang challenges Sylvanas to save horde lives, does not mean that he’s any less willing to oppose the Alliance. Just like in MoP, the Horde and Alliance are teaming up to save the Horde, not to make peace for good.

It’s important that you understand this point because I am unsure if it’s registered with you either of the times that we’ve rehashed this narrative.

Just. Because. They. Team. Up. Does. Not. Mean. Things. Have. Or. Will. Change.

Even though Thrall ‘corrected’ his mistakes in MoP, we still got to this point. Just because Saurfang and Baine and Vol’jin stood up against Garrosh, it does not mean it will be any different this time.

If Blizzard flips the coin tomorrow and decides to do another conflict expansion, you can bet your bottom that all of the “growth” you claim Saurfang got will be entirely forgotten.

I’m not saying that Blizzard didn’t know that there was no morally grey Sylvanas; I’ve never once stated that.

Blizzard advertised the entire game on the morally grey decisions on all sides, in case you missed the notice that multiple people here have pointed out.

  1. In your opinion it may be, but I can’t speak for your poor tastes in story.

  2. Don’t presume things about people -it only makes you look unintelligent and stubborn. It would be like me presuming (which I’m not) that you’re a corporate shill and a “blizzard fan boy” who will defend everything this company does because you’d rather be a lightning rod for attention than an individual with your own original thoughts.


I mean, I’m pretty tired of you guys’ attitude too and the constant responses of “Yeah yeah yeah” without a modicum of actually having payed attention to the story is pretty tiring.

Good, but yet you’re here whining and complaining, and in fact, whining about things the story did as you claimed it should have done.

Did you miss the part where there were Alliance soldiers on that field, and the entire interaction with him and Anduin about ending the fighting the night prior ?

You’re literally making my point for me : You did not watch the story at all. Your ignorance of the dialog and interactions is telling.

Interesting. Since. That’s. Actually. Addressed. In. The. Dialog. You. Obviously. Didn’t. Watch.

I mean, since you haven’t actually watched and read the story, your opinion is moot.

Has the story ever been good?

I can’t remember a single time I played WoW and thought the driving story was anything above amateur level.

I don’t blame the story writers. I often felt that major aspects of the story were given to them and they were told to just “make it work” somehow.

Bro lol. Did you miss the sentence where I pointed out that the Alliance and Horde have teamed up before, and yet still the Horde waged a bloody and brutal betrayal and war regardless? It doesn’t matter if Alliance soldiers were at Orgrimmar - it doesn’t support the claim that the Horde has grown.

See the above point.

You keep doing this really immature thing where you try to validate other people’s arguments with weak statements like this lol. It doesn’t work, it doesn’t silence people, and it only lowers your own reputation - which is rock bottom as is based on your attitude towards people.


Again, you didn’t seem to watch the interaction between Anduin and Saurfang where they literally address this very point you’re attemping to make. Interesting on the one hand you bash the story, and then it ends up the story is exactly what your head canon is complaining it isn’t.

Quite telling overall of your actual knowledge of the story you’re criticizing.

LMAO. Here, some help :

Again, did you miss the part where the Horde and the Alliance went through this exact same thing in MoP?

Watch the cinematic where they literally and specifically address this very thing.

Obviously. You never watched it. Look, I get it, you just want to complain and facts are in your way.

Keep assuming stuff, go ahead.

Call me in a couple expansions where all of this is thrown to the wayside and we go back to this very same storyline - I’ll wait.

If you honestly buy Blizzard’s word, in the story or in press releases, that anything is gunna change - you’re fooling yourself. Blizzard has only ever been able to write a set few stories:

Horde and Alliance fight each other, and then team up against the big bad.

Actually that’s it.

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I’m not assuming stuff, you’re literally giving me the answer : You keep bringing things up as if they are completely unaddressed, and I give you the literal story cinematic where the point comes up, is discussed and a plan moving forward is stated.

It’s an in-game cinematic. It addresses your “But MoP!” point quite literally.

As much i agree with that and like the customizations options (though i’m not sure about tons of customizations bit), Mag’har are essentially the horde’s version of Void Elves: a complete butt pull out of left field. Cool but makes no sense really.

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Seemed to make perfect sense to me. They got way more build up than Void Elves for sure.

Wrath Gate and Siege of the Undercity back in WoTLK were in game too, and Blizzard’s gone ahead and retconned both to fit the new story and “Sylvanas’ true motives”. Same with the Burning Crusade expansion’s reasoning for us going there in the first place (with it not having been Illidan’s plan).

Literally nothing that Blizzard puts out is guaranteed to remain so. You know what else is in game which got directly violated by the new story - Jaina and Lor’themar having that same exact argument on the Isle of Thunder. Jaina then went on to in-explicably hate the Horde enough to quit the Kirin Tor and call for their dismemberment - despite being the advocate for teaming up with them in the first place.

Re-hashing the same old story does not boost confidence that “this time will be different”, both in the story, and in meta.

Things simply “happening” does not equate to genuine character growth, at least with the way Blizzard handles it. The rule of cool is always going to trump any sensible narrative progression.