You're basically forced to ignore the lore

Someone sounds really mad at WoD for some irrational reason.

Mag’har are the best Orcs and offer tons of customization and 3 colorings of their heritage armor, and a fun little glimpse at what Legion gave us : the Light as a not all too benevolent force.

Fit right into the storyline and cinematics and the direction Saurfang was going in.

You guys are stretching at this point.

but it wasn’t originally planned. It was only after blizzard found out that players are not happy. And the choice in the end led to nothing, for those who sided with banshee queen faced no consequences.

Really ? Arthas was the Lich King the day he was born. Doing the WC3 campaign ,you can’t help but feel this is just a spoiled entitled child who throws a tantrum everytime Dad says “No”, and ultimately becomes what every spoiled and entitled noble becomes : a friggin dictator out to destroy everything.

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Problem is, they gave a massive victory to the Horde at the beginning of the expac, one that was too absurd to match, so they just gave everything to alliance afterwards with warfronts, war campaign, zandalar etc… being won by the alliance, YET the cinematics still said that the alliance was basically losing the whole time because “sylvanas awesome”.

That’s the problem, they didn’t even know what they were writing or had any sense of proportion. I’m not saying I wanted more alliance victories, I agree with you, a good ebb and flow back and forth would’ve been way more interesting.

Teldrassil should’ve burned mid expac, not at the beginning and undercity should’ve been destroyed at the end of BFA.

It has nothing to do with Sylvanas. You know, that’s the problem. Regardless of how much of a twirling mustache villain she is and everyone knowing she sucks, perhaps people expected OTHER characters to be actually written better? unlike the plain garbage we got from everything. But no, everything is just sylvanas…


They got an extra cutscene.

Also : Citation Needed. You’re attempting to pass off something as fact, without proof.

Saurfang’s side was properly written.

He had a moral conundrum and faced the choice between 2 dishonorable actions : Betray the Horde or Betray the Horde’s values. There’s your morally grey.

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Wow, defending both WoD and Blizzard’s blithe seething nihilism.

The Mag’har of WoD are the worst possible Orcs, their heritage armor is just more boring Orcish war pandering, and “but what if Light… bad!?!” was the absolute nadir of Legion, just below Turalyon getting pwned by Illidan, the Shadow the Hedgehog of WarCraft.


How does Saurfang’s storyline equate to Morally Grey?

He plans a war of conquest which includes the barbaric slaughter of civilians along the way to Teldrassil. There is no way you can plan a “war” in this universe, where the two factions hate each other to pieces, where a character can honestly believe that it won’t get barbaric. Saurfang was two feet fully in for this.

Then he gets cold feet suddenly when a character makes an entirely irrational, but not un-realistic decision.

It’s not morally grey, it’s inconsistent.

If we had been privy to Sylvanas’ actions, it’d of been a different story.

And this; it speaks for itself.

Already did this. A Proposed Revision 🖊

That said, it’s hard to pick apart BFA alone because there was so much, going into it, that warrants adjustment.

There should have been better build up/lead in for Sylvanas; we should have known a bit more rather than it being an ‘Ohhh, hahaha - gotcha!!’ kind of a thing.

It wasn’t fair to Horde players, it was piss poor story development, and it’s been wholly unsatisfying.

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Uh ? Where did you read a defense of WoD in there ?

WoD had good and bad.

Imagine being this mad the story is not your own head canon.

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LMAO no, that should’ve been his MoP arc. This was just thrown in there to have someone opposing sylvanas that was disposable, but felt flat after supposedly it had happened before with Garrosh whom he had a direct connection.

[quote=“Baspirath-sargeras, post:46, topic:402312”]
Also : Citation Needed. You’re attempting to pass off something as fact, without proof.

what proof are you seeking ?

MoP was Thrall’s failure and story. Vol’jin replacing Thrall as Warchief at the end was further cementing the fact that Thrall was failing, resulting in his ultimate downfall when he cheated to win against Garrosh.

It had nothing to do with Saurfang. Garrosh was brought in by Thrall, and thus it was the beginning of his fall arc.

Saurfang’s arc in BfA was the proper place to have him define what the Horde should be, following the darker years post-Cataclysm.

Proof that the choice was added because of players, and not planned.

If it was intended all along, we would have seen the threads of this back during the Pre-Patch when Teldrassil was burnt.

Instead, we got nothing but silence in game and out. It was only assuaged by the release of the Saurfang cinematic at Lordaeron, which only somewhat dulled the dumpster fire raging in response.

Blizzard, judging by everything that transpired post Teldrassil, was entirely unaware of just how serious the backlash was gunna be.

Uh ? That’s not proof, that’s more of you making things up.

I mean, we both read very different reactions to the cinematics and intro to BfA.

I have lunar property if that’s your take. Unless you have proof otherwise, the expansion story was set long before that.

They usually plan 2 expansions ahead storywise, meaning Shadowlands was a known entity in Legion when they were working on BfA. BfA was always meant to be the intro to Shadowlands. AKA : They knew what they were doing.

You should listen more during Blizzcon panels, we’ve known this stuff for ages.

But I guess it’s much “cooler” to complain and rage at Blizzard for things you could not predict.

Horde-side BFA was amazing in the beginning. The treasonous prophet and rebel general conspiring to unleash that monster thing and g’huun. I remember the quest that ended with the cinematic of that general falling into the blood as the final sacrifice himself. The ssethrak and skeleton pirates and all in the other place. The footholds in alliance territory and expansion across that zone. The bargain the king struck with Bwomsamdi to protect his city.

Okay…! We’ve smashed everything in these new zones and secured our new allies, let’s go smash the alliance!!!

Stromgarde!! YEAH!
Darkshore and nightwhatsums?! No problem!!

Oh look, I found a talking dagger! Cool! Wait, what, old god huh? Ok… we’ll fight that!!! Because!!!

Naga? But we were about to fight the old god when we were about to defeat the alliance… Okay… I’ll guess we’ll go back and explore this new place where the ocean is magically suspended and could be released to drown us all at any moment…

Okay!! We defeated the Naga, where’s that old god!!! What? Saurfang, Mak’gora? Okay, let’s go watch that real quick…

Wow! Saurfang died AND Sylvanas ran. We should probably figure out who our new warchief is, but that old god is there so let’s go kill it first real…

Next patch…? Okay, he was out of place anyway. Back to smashing the alliance!!!

…horde lost? When? What is this… blizzcon…?


There you go, in choosing side with Slyvanas section, it is written In the questline first released on the 8.1 PTR, you would track Saurfang after his escape from the Stockade with Dark Ranger Lyana. One of the main complaints of Horde players on this questline is that you could not choose your allegiance, forcing your character to side with and eventually protect Saurfang. This was especially disappointing to players after being given agency with the choice of killing Sira Moonwarden, or letting Nathanos do the job,


You realise this is the opposite choice that you were saying ?

The choice is to stick with Sylvannas and simply forgoe being able to follow the Saurfang storyline.

This is golden.

Yea…but they had not planned it initially. that’s what i mean to say. They had to change the original direction of the story they planned to go with.


They had not planned Horde players to be complete sociopaths wanting to side with the Genocidal maniac ?

OMG, the horror! How dare Blizzard not cater to completely to the asocial “watch the world burn” crowd.

You’d think they had written Sylvannas bad enough for people to realise there was no choice.

Whatever there reason is…player choice was given only after complain and not by their choice.