[Update] UI suggestion - snapping

You HAVE to launch it with snapping. No hyperbole, you have to do this Blizzard if you want this to succeed.

Update. They’re adding it.


Can sleep well now.


I want their UI update to succeed and not having snapping will do more harm then good for it.

How they gonna have a grid in place and not have snapping?


What is snapping? I think that is the issue with why others are confused.

You know, action bar snapping to grid layouts so you can align/place things with ease.

Right now it’s a pure drag and drop with no way of even scootching along the x/y axis. It’s free roam


Oh I see. I personally dislike that, but as an option, I could understand.

Why, though?

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I wish to move my bars where I wish without things snapping together or being on a grid. Why is that an issue? Everyone is different.

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Blizz should make it like other games: Hold shift to finely tune. Release shift if you want bars to snap.

Hopefully it gets added before DF release.


I agree with that. It’s definitely an odd choice to have the grid option but no ability to snap things to the grid.


Well, that’s an easy enough fix. ElvUI has an option to allow for snapping UI elements, or to just move them around freely.

I’m with Autai on this one. I’ve liked what I’ve seen so far, but if they can’t add something this simple to allow for a custom UI to have a clean and uniform look, it’s just going to be dead on arrival. They aren’t going to sell folks on the idea of not needing to use UI replacements if they can’t get something as basic as this added in.


just hide ur action bars completely and have a WA that tracks ur stuff.

if it doesnt have snapping its going to be one pixel off and it will drive me insane.

says the druid that has a chaotic mess for a ui already


im pretty sure itll have it by the time its live.

but even if it didnt its just more time setting it up the first time but then its a non issue after that.

just squint your eyes and align at the perfect pixel if you need to heh. itll be a one time deal anyways.

ideally itll have snapping tho.

If there is an option to turn it off (or are able to nudge it) its not bad but if you want a small space between elements it gets irritating very fast.

Or for example if I want the top element to snap to the bottom bottom element but be centered horizontally, it may try to snap to right or left side instead.

I do a lot of web design though so I’m more used to others doing things via css than by manipulating things visually.


If it stays like this I won’t ever use it.

There is nothing to fix.

I was never against the option. I specifically said as much.

I concur… With no way to punch in the location numbers, snapping is going to be essential. Just testing this on PTR and its a living PIA to line things up correctly…


You new to playing WoW? Thats never how Blizz does things. They have to be told, badgered and complained to by more then 100,000 players before they even consider doing something so obvious.


I agree. Currently editing the UI on PTR is a mess because it is almost impossible to get everything lined up correctly.

And what is up with not having the option to show action or stance bars on mouseover only?


If the option to snap isn’t available then there’s definitely something to fix.