[Update] UI suggestion - snapping

From what I’ve seen and tried so far I will almost certainly be continuing to use all my UI addons except for maybe Bagnon. I’m glad they’re finally trying update the UI but so far it’s just a mess.

It should be easy for addon devs to make if nothing else. Provided you can call for an elements current position, margin and padding. Than just make a function were when it is within a variable distance of another element it moves to that elements x or y axis modified by the margin.

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No snapping necesaary.

Ui system already good as presented.

Dont be a perfectionist and problem solved.


That is a horribly cluttered mess. I do not know how someone could even see the screen.


I’d love to see your 1280x720 setup as well.

Its beautiful…

You should see what one person used for mythic nathria at the time. It’s around 21:30.


Not mine but it and others like it are what my guild regularly sends me when they want to rag on my ui.

Btw snapping would be amazing to have. Had forgotten that bartender4 had it since I haven’t changed bar placement for 1-6 since legion.

Yes snapping absolutely necessary.

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And the reasoning?? Seen lots of complaints but no valid reason why they should invest time into that feature.

And no, “because i need it perfectly aligned” isn’t a valid reason.

What value does it bring??

If that is what floats your boat then go for it…

Yes “because I need it perfectly aligned” is a perfectly valid reason. Almost every UI addon has snapping.


If it took them this long just to give us capabilities to move windows around i rather they allocate the time to new UI windows rather than snapping.

Snapping has a proven annoyance rate for many including myself so even IF they add it, it absolutely needs to have a toggle to disable.

I would much rather see a new Adventure Mode UI screen that lets you know how many quests/achievements/mounts/pets youve collected etc. On your adventures…rather than have the time spent on snapping.

I agree. Have it an option for people who want to use it and a toggle for people who don’t.

Because it quickly and easily aligns all bars together. Every MMOPRG I have played has the option for bar snapping. Even current add-ons have it.

All of them already do. An option does not affect you.

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It’s a very basic QoL for any customizable UI.

There is an addon you can use for that called All The Things (ATT)


On its own its pretty ugly but I think Addonskins or one of the other skinning addons has a profile for it that matches most modern UI’s. This is how mine looks.


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