Your top two addons

Battle Pet Binds and Rematch - because battle pets are the only reason I’m subscribed.

EpicMusicPlayer and Details - because i like music and control the volume, and i like to see the dps and healing i do



I still use altoholic because I like alts. Though it doesn’t always function correctly now. (Really wish I could find a good alternative–anybody have suggestions?)
Rematch because it is so helpful with pet battles.

ElvUI definitely, and uhhhh probably healbot. I don’t heal often but when I do I can’t imagine ever doing it without healbot (or vuhdo I guess, but I’m not smart enough to understand vuhdo)

Asmongold doesn’t like them, Reckful never liked them, Venruki doesn’t like them, Esfand doesn’t like them but uses them because everyone else does, Athene always said he hated feeling forced to get them sometimes.

Cool I have a bunch of those too.

This used to be my SoD main until I quit SoD and in maybe just a few days form now I will exfer all my toons off of this realm and move my Horde ones over. This toon is max level

Not everyone needs to post on every toon that they talk about. You are posting on a hunter so I mentioned a hunter.

So did I. I also stated a fact. You just said that at random to just mess with me.

And you legit think that I would be posting on any toon that is better than what you have so your ego is at that point to where you have to randomly try to insult me and then act like I should be posting on a hunter of mine that is better than what you have.

You are incapable of playing without addons, that is why you are panicking that so many now are saying they should be removed.

Tells you what to do, when to do it, how to do it, where to do it, why to do it, what happens when you do it, how it will effect you, how it will effect those around you… addons. That is what WoW addons do. And they also allow you to exploit PvP matches in Cata, TWW, Classic. That is why you want to keep them. Cuz you are incapable of playing without using any addons.

That is from ATR and doesn’t give any achieve if you got it before 2013 in original ATR. And it sucks now anyways the ATR does, no longer called ATR, different signup rules, less fun, all recorded the entire time.

And speaking of addons, I used DBM for PvP back then anyhow so yea I have used addons in the past. Just upset that they are getting abused in some forms of the game right now today… everytime Blizzard bans a specific addon, another comes in that is similar with a slightly different name and same basic, yet slightly different function…so no, banning specific ones never works. That should not make you mad at me to where you need to insult me just because you are not capable of having your hand geld by add-ons…

Asmongold is carried and his opinions are worthless.

Because they played in a time they weren’t allowed.

Some no names I don’t care about Ms opinions.

Sure. Bet they are on your other account too rofl.

More excuses.

Because it doesn’t exist.

Funny considering I play with very minimal addons. But keep pretending you have a clue

That’s not how addons work. They don’t play the game for you.

Now everyone knows your lying about your CEs unless you bought them :joy:

It’s still one of the most rare PvP titles and required being in the top 5% on the tournament realm.

You’re so clueless you don’t even know of an addon you hate.


Immersion and TomTom.

Immersion: I hate the default quest UI, and like the small talking head dialogue windows more. Been using it for years.

TomTom: Oddly enough, I don’t even really use the waypoint features. I like it for the coordinates. Being able to see your coordinates has been baked into so many MMOs I have played that it feels weird to play WoW without that functionality.

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  • All The Things - I’m a collector and a completionist and this game is HUGE. Trying to even maintain track of everything you could possibly do is insane, even with services like Wowhead. So, this is my first.
  • TomTom - This has been on my WoW client since I first could remember getting it (or very similar). Trying to find my way is difficult sometimes, so this helps tremendously. It’s a bonus that ATT connects with it so you can put pins down as you are tracking down those collector/completionist items.

I specifically didn’t include Weak Aura (WA). Even though it is phenomenal, it’s like a meta-plugin, so I’ll not use that. But, this would be in my top 3 otherwise.

I had forgotten about Immersion. Now that I have to use GeForce Now (well, not “have to” but my gaming machine died, and I don’t want to fork out that kind of cash for a new one), I can’t use it since it’s not in the top of CurseForge addons. But, yeah, Immersion is very nice.

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TRP3 would be my #1 because of all the functionality for RP stuff.

Listener at #2 as an audio queue when someone says a key word makes it easy even during busy areas, in addition to the window to focus on what just one person is saying makes it easy to hold conversation no matter what is going on.

Elephant coming in close to be more or less tied for it simply because it does half of what Listener does but saves chat logs for each channel so if I get disconnected I still know what guy on trade chat was looking for a craft, or who was whispering me about something, or if I simply want to keep up with local and trade chat at the same time without messing with the normal chat UI.

HandyNotes - Allows me to find things again.
AllTheThings - Helps with collections and plays victory songs when I get something new.

WA and Elvui. Never seen a need for anything else.

Toasts: It gets rid of loot from popping up in the middle of my freaking screen. I despise that feature and wish Blizzard would let us turn it off.

SilentWorldQuest: Removes talking heads. Kind of the same situation. I don’t want crap popping up on my screen. Every NPC that did in the past I ignored…now I can’t see them and it’s peaceful once again. Another feature that we should be able to turn off.


Na. he said he was helped back in original TBC and early Wrath but then he began to do the carries.

Esfand is not a no name. The Grand Marshal Scarab Lord paladin who hosted the Mak Gora tourney.

That almost described BDM to a T.

And also the addon that helps you to exploit PvP matching as well works exactly as I said.

It was not %s based back then… when you supposedly got it. If you cant even get duelist in retail I highly doubt you were placing top rated arena teams on the planet at the time.

Nope. On this account. I just have only my single toon’s achieve showing to track them better but I do have other accounts.

Reckful began in late TBC and played a lot into Wrath… addons were allowed in Wrath… …

Venruki plays right now… so… you are entirely 100% wrong with that statement.

My absolute favorite is Be Quiet. No more trying to close dialog boxes as something beats on me. My fav,check it out -Be Quiet-. you still get the dialog,but it is the chat box.

Rofl. I had a friend in his guild in BFA. Dude used to be good but he hardly plays now. He comes back and gets boosted through normal and heroic each tier by his followers and then quits again.

His opinion on WOW is literally worthless.

Yep a no name.

DBM shows you timers. It doesn’t tell you how to play the game.

That’s an exploit and breaking the rules. Not a typical addon.

Sure thing. All excuses.

Addons were not allowed in the tournaments. Most high end PvP players didn’t use addons back then because they couldn’t be used in the tournaments like Blizzcon and such.

Venruki isn’t playing competitively. He plays for fun on the ladder.

Back when he did play competitively addons weren’t allowed in tournaments.

So again you tried so hard and failed completely.

Narcissus for its wonderful photo mode function and old gun sounds because damn it, i want my big fat gun to sound like im blasting someones face off, not that stapler clickity clack

Ignoring the Waffle House shenanigans going on above…

Top two for me are TRP and Elephant. I’d feel like I was running around with my glasses off if I couldn’t see peoples RP character profiles. And Elephant is a must because I enjoy long-form RP, and Elephant allows me to keep track of logs easily.

Close runner-up is MogIt, bc the built-in system for making sets in wow is quite limited. MogIt was broken for a long time and that was really awful. Survivable… but only barely! I’m so glad it’s back.

Gosh, I forgot to check with influencers this morning to be told what to think.