Happy Sunday everyone. What are your top two addons and why?
Postal because selling crafting mats
Bartender because i liked moving mu bars where i wanted
Big wigs and Weak Auras have never been downloaded
DBM - I like plenty of wheelchair with my Paladin.
Titan Panel - All the info at the top of my screen.
All The Things for collecting purposes
Better Wardrobe for previewing sets, especially those the default doesn’t show.
Hekili - Such a big help in figuring out rotations
Better Wardrobe - Playing on MG has made me vain lol
ElvUI - because it’s one and done, I’m used to it, and it replaces like five other addons I used up until I started using it.
Rematch - because I love battle pet content, and rematch makes forming and saving teams very easy.
Rematch - because it helps keep track of pet battles for over 1800 pets.
Weak Auras - because there’s so much you can customize with it.
Armory, because altaholic became unstable.
Pawn, because I’m lazy, a % of upgrade with a mouse over a drop, priceless.
DBM and details!
DBM streamlines encounters for me in a useful way and details! allows me to see where I sit in relation to the group around me contribution-wise.
Extended transmog cuz more transmog
LooterTutor cuz it does way too much for how light of an addon it is
DBM. And Medium Rare. But I honestly think Blizzard should outright ban all addons. Especially now since there is the addon that allows people to see 100% of everything about the people they are going to queue up against in rated PvP so they end up not even joining up in the queue and will wait until they get the exact group that they want o go up against.
I’m going to count Baganator and Syndicator together - because it’s better than blizz default bag/bank system in every way and just, yeah.
Rematch- because it makes pet battles much easier to deal with.
don’t have any add on have no use for them
not to say I never use them but don’t use them now
Something for bags
Teleport Menu
dialogkey and a tie between TSM/Auctionator.
So one little tiny thing in rated pvp causes you to think ALL addons in game should be removed? The heck.
TRP because I wish the base game had that much functionality.
I guess either DBM or Details after that. DBM because I am old and slow or details so I can keep an eye on my efficiency being at least sub par.
DBM because it is practically required lol
and vuhdo because my healer butt needs to clicky and its the best one I’ve tried
I only use Details and Raid.IO
. Details is critical. Raid.IO
is another decent way to vet groups.
Nothing else. I’d love to fix the pool of buffs at the top but I’ve been playing RTS lately and that helps. Still a nightmare up there.
I should have said Tome of Teleportation it tracks all your M+ portals, hearthstones, toys and other items that let you teleport to different locations.
I dont use a billion addons like some. Just DBM/GTFO and then shadow unit framed and sexymap for appearances.
All very common and self explanatory.
Probably the last 2 are world quest addon and one I can’t remember the name, but its for achievements. Like when you drill down and go back you will go back to the previous achievement and not to the top page and have to search again.
Beyond that, nothing I need.