Your thoughts on a Companion system for Solo play?

Ok dude so why you bring boss fight? You want to eliminate PvE? Go for it! Let’s make this game a sandbox while at it.

There are people like me that don’t fit your narrative.

I’ve actually become better at the classes I’ve played for years, just by playing them in Torghast completely solo, at my own pace, in this MMO game. I’ve gotten used to using much more of my toolkit. Honestly, this never would have happened if I’d done group content, which I almost never do because I have terrible anxiety and it makes me physically ill. I spend way too much time being sick in group content to even think about little used tools I could employ, not to mention “having fun.” For the most part, I’ve had fun in Torghast, just getting better as I go.

I’d love to have a “solo” mode for dungeons and raids like there is in FFXIV. It’s done pretty well there. If SE would extend the system to 8-man trials and all the dungeons in the game (instead of just in Shadowbringers like it is now) I’d play FFXIV a LOT more than I do now.

I’m essentially a solo player. If there was a solo game like WoW or FFXIV that played the same (tab targeting, moving with the mouse, etc.) I’d love to hear about it.


That’s what I like about mmorpgs where they pay attention to both mmo and rpg, not one or the other. If I’m working nights, when no one is on, I can play the rpg part. If I’m off I can play the mmo part with everyone.

i guess theres dragon age. but its more of a weird inbetween of the worst most genreic mmo combat and baldurs gate. but at least it was a good attempt.

No , just no.
I’m a 99.9% solo player and this sounds like a horrible idea, scripted, boring NPCs, if I wanted that much predictability I would just do PvP.

Sandbox games have PVE don’t they?

I don’t think they should be. M+ is clearly meant for old school grouping but there’s some that just want to see a dungeon or get a quest done but don’t want to wait in queue so AI teammates for Normal/Heroic would be perfect.

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Another copied idea, really wish games would come up with some original content. Companions have been in EQ for 13 years just named mercenary’s.

we had something similar in WoD and Legion with some of our followers being able to be used as bodyguards, would be great if this became a permanent feature for outdoor content.

i’m not sure how i feel about it being used for dungeon or raid content though. maybe low leveled dungeons (mythic 0) would be fine, but i think i’d have to hard pass on it being used in raids. in dungeons at least the content is easy enough to not be to punishing should someone mess up on a mechanic, but in raids where you need to have proper positioning then it would end badly.

for example, how would the NPC know where to take the Echo’s during Shriekwing, or to soak up the bottles from Inerva, or where to take portals etc during Xymox?

I never said any of that, I merely pointed out the existence of AI mechanics in game to counter your absurd statement that AI has no place in an MMORPG. I have no interest in making WoW a sandbox game or trivializing PvP or PvE through a companion system.

However, if done right, I think a companion system would offer an interesting choice (think Torghast and Horrific Visions, both with solo options btw)

Instead of companions, bodyguards, mercenaries they should have a clone system. You are allowed to clone yourself or another party member that plays at the level of your average performance level.
So if you need to clone a dps in your group, you clone the party member with the best average performance.
Tools already exist for performance rankings.

Blizz still has trouble with pet behavior not being completely stupid. Do you think those clowns can code something that won’t get stuck inside walls half of the time? Something like that is far too advanced for our beloved small indie company.

whats the benefit of this over npc companions?

True. Honestly, I don’t even register the other players in Norm/Heroic groups anymore. They may as well be NPCs.

ESO need to implement that becoz their population is abysmal. Hard to find people to group with. That’s why they want to replace people with companions with its own AI.

WoW’s dungeons dont need to be like that. WoW’s population is okay to me. Mythic + is fine as it is.

NPC companions will always be perfect automation, meaning they will not screw up mechanics, clones will only play as well you have in the past. So risk they don’t get out of the way of a mechanic

If I could create my own party using my own characters (Not so much the characters themselves such as their level, gear and such, just their appearance and race, and class), then I might not mind the addition as I could have a bit of fun with such an idea perhaps. That is of course if it even was created well enough and I do have my doubts about such a thing happening.

Just my two coppers.

pointless system, no actual endgame could be done with it and just for world bosses and leveling dungeons we have lfg

it would be fun to customize other dudes. would definitely make finding new gear interesting past min maxing your classes main stat then selling the rest.

SWTOR’s companion is called PETS on WoW. Classes with Pets are harder to kill in WoW on PvE.