Your thoughts on a Companion system for Solo play?

yeah. but how cool would it be if you could have a knight instead of a bird.

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I honestly don’t care for my companions in SWTOR. I find they get in the way sometimes - much like the one from the Necrolords campaign.

For ESO? I don’t know why I would need a companion except for possibly public delves that are empty? Some of the world content is challenging, but if you send out a shout then people typically come to help. If you play during a live event then EVERYONE comes to help! :laughing:

I also don’t get it. I have Steam if I want to play a game alone and I don’t have to pay for the game and then a monthly fee to play Divinity, Borderlands franchise, etc. Oh, and I’m sure someone will point out that there are sub games in Steam, but I don’t buy them on Steam or use them via that platform.

This is what I thought followers would be in Warlords of Draenor. You would use them to unlock stories through quests and scenarios. What followers became is disappointing.

personally i would absolutely jump ship if somebody made a single player equivalent to world of warcraft.

Games where you have AI partners always need to either make those partners just ignore mechanics, or they just don’t use mechanics in the first place. Plus there is the risk of making the AI too good (especially if they ignore mechanics) and then solo becomes easier than group content and the MMO dies.

I’ve played a few MMO with companions (SWTOR mostly, some other older MMOs) and they all have very boring basic combat. If they have mechanics they are almost always just ‘don’t stand in red’.

I have suggested on other threads about maybe there being a single player Warcraft game. Though how I imagine it would likely not be how it comes to be, which is to say that I imagine it turning out poorly.

Oh you want me to show you our List of Pets compare to your Knight? The whole Petopia website for Hunters would show you hundreds of options.

And some daily callings in Shadowlands, we are carrying a helper on a particular zone. Nazjatar has helper when you are on their zone.

honestly i would pay 1000$ dollars for a bioware esque adaptation of wows story. that would be amazing.

how many interrupts should the cloned player miss? how often should they stand in fire? how often should they accidentally pull extra packs?

tracking average dps/hps doesn’t even begin to capture all that’s needed

umm. you do realize im a hunter, right?

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Only if they go the route of Dragon Age Origins and not say Dragon Age 2 or Inquisition. Then I would feel a bit more comfortable, but doubt there still will be.

I’d love this feature. Most of the time I like to play with my partner, and most of our friends are adults with real world demands (or raid leaders with in-game demands :joy:), so we’re not always able to play with them. It’d be nice to not have to “hope” to find someone decent to play with who isn’t toxic af or grossly incompetent.

Why not make it so you can only run content with “companions” that you’ve already completed at least once with real people? So if you’ve only run regular dungeons, you can do regular dungeons with companions, but not heroic/mythic/etc; once you run a dungeon on heroic, you can re-run it on heroic with companions. It shouldn’t be hard for folks to muster a group at least once to get the content done, and then after that you can do it over and over again whenever and with whoever you want.

I see this as a feature that could greatly increase replayability. And of course groups/etc wouldn’t go away, so folks who like to do public groups are most certainly welcome to continue doing so… but if you’re DPS, and you want to complete a m0 dungeon just for a daily/weekly (after having run it on mythic several times already)… why not be able to summon a companion tank or healer, instead of sitting in a queue for an hour hoping a bored tank/healer comes by, or having to compete with 100000 other DPS for the group that already has a tank and healer?

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And you should not compare their Knight to your Bird unless it’s an Undead Bird like mine.

actually i think aside from the combat mass effect 2 would be the best game to rip off for something like this. it absolutely nails the non linear storytelling that this game would need in its first half.

Maybe, I only mentioned Dragon Age Origins because that is the one I enjoyed the most. Hell I still go back to that every so often. But I am a bit biased as I like Medieval/Fantasy over Space/Syfy.

Iam sure they wouldn’t be able to handle m+ but it would be nice if they could get you to complete mythic 0. Just to see content.

We already have a precedent in the new leveling island. At the end you need to do a dungeon and if there are not enough players to do it with you there are A.I. characters to fill the proper slots for it.

That’s a bad example since mechanics don’t matter. The issue with AI partners is that people want them to do actual hard content solo. If you could run Normal dungeons or LFR with bots that would be one thing, but beyond that you end up with the impossible balance of them being too good for people to bother with groups or so bad they are just frustrating to run with.

M+ gets very hard, and even small mistakes can easily cost the entire run. How will that be fun if its an AI? Either it’s perfect and there is no reason to every group with players again, or it is intentionally bad which is a lot more frustrating than when a player makes a mistake.

A sign of the times. Being anti-social is the norm these days. Hopefully WoW will stay true to it’s mmorpg roots and not turn into yet another single player game. There are already plenty of those games.

It’s such an interesting concept, because those characters are with you in the story anyways, so it makes total sense to have them be available as NPCs to do the dungeon with you.