Your thoughts on a Companion system for Solo play?

Or you know, it’s a game and you can choose the things that you enjoy


being an rpg. (in fireemblems case only even technically.) is not the same thing as being an alternative to wow. i like games like wow not because it has an rpg tag on the website. but because i like the mechanics of wow. in what way are either of those games remotely comparable other then technology and upgrading characters? i play other rpg games all the time. and you know why i like wow? because i like the game. i dont get this idea at all. if there was a “single player mmo” you think i wouldnt be playing it?


Aaaaand phail.

Your opinion is noted; I’ll begin disregarding it immediately. Kthxbye.


Legion kinda had this. I don’t know why they got rid of it, I liked it.

Swtor pretty much mastered that tbh wow has been halfheartedly trying to copy it for years now they just wont go full into it. Legion was as close as they got to swtor tier follower system though.

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There’s 8 expension worth of content you can solo. There’s plenty of choice, if you can’t play with people don’t play this game. Enough said, redefining the genre by modern player is toxic enough as it is.

have they? honestly outside of legions pseudo follower system, it seems mostly coincedental with garrisons. much more comparable to clash of clans.

…not your call.


Delicious tears.

KOTOR mastered it. SWTOR is more of a diet version of that.

That game is an even bigger joke than WoW right now.

Totally agree - choice is good and helps sustain a thriving online community. Solo play is a legitimate choice and Blizzard has offered various options to this playstyle over the years.


Bruh, retail Alliance people really treat this game like Second Life. That’s so sad haha

on paper. in practice blizzard has made playing through old expansions a nightmare. even with chromie time all they did is put their buggy mostly unplayable expansions in a new game plus bubble. even going as far to assume that everyone just wants to play shadowlands as soon as possible sending you back to stormwind once you hit level 50. with no way to go back without legacy damage activating. and at that point can you even really call that content. really its just a bunch of out of order cutscenes.

My tears are from laughter.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Do you think the the people you play with would leave the group environment for solo play?

I’d think Blizzard could do a good job at something like this and would pull more people to the game. More people playing is a good thing. I don’t think Blizzard should remove the ability for people to group up nor do I think they would ever do that.

Yes I’m sure soloing Illidan is very difficult. Nice try.

When you start adding AI, you are essentially admitting that your game no longer has a large enough active player base or community infrastructure to support group content.

The day WoW does this, you know it’s in a really bad spot.

Take ESO for example. They killed factions and servers because the game didn’t have the population to support the split. Then they made everyone start using the new starting zone to make it feel full…and now they are letting people play with bots.

FF11 took similar steps in it’s decline.

None of these steps are signs of a healthy MMO.

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Swtor has the player housing, the followers that can craft/skill/gather/make you money while you run around with a follower that can heal/tank/dps (can change at anytime they are not spec locked). They lvl up from doing any of the fore mentioned to about 75% of what a player can do heal/dps wise.

Tbh Kotor was a head of its time but swtor expanded on it.

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did you even read my post. i was saying the exact opposite. its excessively easy to the point where its not even really playable as a game. imagine skyrim but all the quests can be started at once and you oneshot everything after level 15. thats what playing old content is like.

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that feature had been in rpg games for years. all it did was put it in 3d. not super groundbreaking.