Your Servers Are Crap and Guilds Are Dying Because of It

Last tier, Mythic Sire caused a ton of lag in P1 if you spawned a huge amount of adds and that was never addressed. At least there was some level of counterplay to it, though.

This tier, there’s just a metric ton of instance lag in SoD and it’s causing issues that quite literally have no counterplay. As in, very telegraphed abilities that quite literally 1shot players are doing their damage several seconds after their visuals disappear:

Yes, there is actual instance lag that is causing players to get hit by avoidable, instant death mechanics several seconds after the visuals for said mechanics have disappeared. These aren’t bugs with the boss fights; this is quite literally just your servers being run by overworked, underfed, and dehydrated hamsters.

A pretty well-known US Guild, Strawberry Puppy Kisses, literally fell apart because they just kept on having to deal with crap like this every couple pulls. You cannot make meaningful progress on a 15 minute fight that just decides to arbitrarily kill players in the easiest phase as often as this is happening.

This isn’t 80 people doing the Maw World Boss or one of the Korthia rares on a Tuesday; this is 20 people dealing with like 3 seconds’ worth of lag in an instance.

Like, I get it. Given the circumstances regarding the lawsuit I’d imagine the people running the servers are probably in the middle of a cubicle crawl (or are understandably trying to not have to deal with that sort of stuff), but this is just absolutely unacceptable. People are paying $15 a month to have access to your servers, but stuff like this or a world boss that renders literally the entire main hub of 9.1 unplayable every time it’s pulled early in the week just gives your players the message that you literally don’t care about this game.

Wanna prove me wrong? Start by fixing your servers so even your instances aren’t as laggy and unplayable as Nazjatar would be whenever Battle for Nazjatar would roll around and Ruin would crash the zone with like 10 different 40-man raid groups.


Gotta love that 3 second jump start lag Sylvanas’ fight has when you pull, every single time.

“Most memorable raid fight” for all the wrong reasons.



Oh no better not tell people around here the servers lag, according to some whiteknights there is nothing wrong with the servers and they will fight day and knight telling you how “My computer is fine so it HAS to be your PC and internet that is causing the issues”.

But this OMG WTH Blizzard, good thing nothing ever happens in that first few seconds.


Pfft this is what you get at high end content?

What a rip.


Honestly of all the issues in WoW I think this one is the one that bothers me the most

I pay a sub to be entitled to use the servers, if I’m paying to use a server I god damn well expect that server to be running near perfect.

What a joke



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Sad thing is, we’re on Mythic Painsmith now so if this sort of crap persists my guildies and I will personally have to deal with laggy broken Painsmith spikes.

You’d think that, as (allegedly) Blizzard’s favorite children, the Mythic raiders wouldn’t have to deal with BS like this in an instance of all places, right?

I can justify so, so, so much bad design in this game but as soon as the servers I’m paying to use become unplayable like this I start getting really, really fed up.


I mean, you saw the story right.

According to blizzard, you let horrible things happen to your “favorites” to show you care.


Here’s another clip for good measure


World first race is over, no need to fix things now, just the plebs rolling through for nasty leftovers.


This tanks some of my openers, and doesn’t even process my convokes sometimes. Korthia lag, SoD, etc.

It’s pretty shameful.

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The casual playerbase says this, but it’s a fallacy. If anything Blizz hates Mythic raiders as much or more than everyone else. Just look at the crap you have to do to do it.


The lag basically killed Strawberry Puppy Kisses apparently…a top 100 guild


I think that’s the same clip as the fourth one I linked.

Regardless, even though Consequence got their kill very recently (one of their main raiders used to raid with us and he was talking to us about the kill just now) I’m honestly so unbelievably pissed off on those guys’ behalf despite us being a 2-day, 5/10M guild by comparison. This kind of stuff is absolutely infuriating.


You think Blizzard would bother spending time and money on some trash they already developed instead of making more trash? I’ll be surprised if this expansion gets a fraction of the fixes and quality content Legion had.

Anecdotal: from the moment I saw the SL intro cinematic, I knew this expansion was scrapped. And that was before the current monster controversy.


Were you watching Banshers to when they killed it and the reddit post was brought up? I feel like I’m just repeating what you already said :man_facepalming:

Lol if you guys wanted to fight a lag boss should have just done the world boss.

Why all this much preparation and time waste to end with the same fight. :rofl:

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I wasn’t watching any of the streams as it was happening since I’ve mostly been watching some Sargeras guilds working on Painsmith/Guardian/Fatescribe; I just happened to see the post on r/competitivewow and realized they were in Consequence and I was like “oh hey, Ezevia raids there.” Not too long after he posted that they got the kill in our guild discord and I asked him about the lag, and he basically just confirmed that it was indeed as bad as the clips implied.


Blizz just said the heck with it and stopped fighting their servers. Lag is now a PvE mechanic, like not standing in fire lol.

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you’ve made quite the valiant reinforcement to my decision to never raid in this game jesus christ that doesn’t look fun.