Your quest log is full

yes, it has.

i feel like you’re trying to have a very outspoken opinion on a subject which you’re not familiar with.

df has an insane amount of quests.


No worries. I just wanted to help reframe things a bit and make sure there were no hard feelings. I got nothin’ against you Liolang.

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So it went from 20 to 25 with TBC
Then it stayed 25 until DF

Youre telling me that DF alone holds more quests than TBC → SL and therefor DF alone requires two quest log upgrades?

I think you got some numbers mixed up somewhere there sir.

no, i clearly didn’t say that.

now i see why others have placed you on ignore.

tell you what.

you go do the df quests, and give us a running update of how you’re going with space in your quest log?

sounds reasonable

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You did:

You claimed it got massively bigger within the same expansion which warranted a second quest log upgrade within the same expansion which trumps the previous 18 years worth upgrade.

I don’t have an impulsive control disorder. If my objective was to complete the quests in DF, I would do it the way I always handle quests. Knock out the main story line, then work on quests in an area until they’re complete. I’m not going to pick up side quests in Ohn’ahran Plains when i’m finishing up the side quests in Waking Shores.

Simple organizational/managerial skills makes it a non issue. I don’t have issues with the quest log as I don’t pick up things I have no intentions on working on (edit): or things I can’t double down on. Hard to knock out Emerald Dream quests while I’m in Waking Shores

DF beta, at first I was happy because it felt like the game wasnt ramming long lists of quests on me.
And literally the next day, not even 24 hours later, I was getting slammed with quests.
Had that been a live character that already had a ton of old content quests where Im hunting transmogs, it would have been very close to full, or full even.

The irritation in this sort of thing is trolls. They have no vested interest in this AT ALL, doesnt affect their game AT ALL, yet they are obsessed with telling everyone else they dont need something because they dont lmao.

I dont need a Ferrarri either, but if someone wants to buy me one, I’ll take it.
If I / we can get Ion to stop being so obstinate and just double the quest list, Ill take that too. lol.
QoL improvements should literally be ok with everyone, but evidently some prefer to argue for arguments sake over having valid, logical arguments

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I can’t even remember when they changed the quest log to 25 quests at a time. Adding more slots to it is LONG OVERDUE.


The difference here is you’re begging someone with a Ferrari to buy you one. Not them just willingly handing it to you lol.

Still waiting for that “logical and reasonable” response to a very valid argument as to why you don’t need the quest log doubled.

20 was original
25 came in TBC
35 came in DF. 18 months ago you got an upgrade.

More proof that them adding more slots isn’t going to stop the complaints. You literally got what you wanted and it’s not good enough.

evidently you triggered someone, lol.

yeah, as the game as grown, and more players coming in who werent there for old content who might want to run it and will have double the quests or more to keep track of, absolutely the space should be doubled on the quest log

I have so many of these from multiple raids across multiple characters. I usually end up deleting them only to start them again later. Its a painful game I choose to play with myself over and over.

I wasn’t aware they added 35. You can really see the difference…

For someone who has 20 Plus some alts… or something (who’s counting right?) I have found that … keeping quests to try and finish at a later time… confuses the heckers out of me… especially when I have them so closely in the same quest line:
This toon here STILL has to do quests all over DF, but I can’t remember where I had left off to pick them up, so I randomly pick up quests and do them on the fly hoping it unlocks something else. (AH… sometimes?)
I’ll alt hop. start a quest chain on an alt, get bored with that alt, go back to the main toon, putz around there… go BACK to another alt… (I really like to torment myself with alts… apparently) and then promptly forget what I was doing on that alt.

I had a point with this. (I think I did?)

I have learned that if I’m going to be playing in an expansion (Example: … Warlords Of Draenor) I will STAY … in that zone… or expansion (either chromied or not) and do the quest lines in that expansion. WOD was pretty all over the place then, and still is, and I liked how they had ensured that once you “completed” a zone (shadowmoon valley) it’d send you back to your Garrison to PICK UP THE NEXT ZONE QUEST and send you on your way out there!

not all expansions do this (Wrath was the WORST in sending you all over the place, the complaints of Full quest log for that expansion is REAL, back when they had the limit to 25… now its 50)

But That’s how I combat the full quest logs… I just stay in the expansion until I’m DONE with that expansion. :slight_smile: That… and I believe that someone had mentioned that expanding EVERYONE’s Logs… will take up ALOT of resources that the game might not handle. I’d rather they work on fixing the bugs, then work on the possibility for expanding the quest log in the future.

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If youre just in ONE expansions worth of questing you’ll get stuff done before picking up others and be fine most likely.
As stated above, MY issue is I dont play like that. Im all over the game world including current content, so I’ll have quests from various expansions while Im trying to farm mogs that drop only from old content questlines.

No, its not a daily event, but its happened enough to matter.
Asking for more slots in the log isnt going to break the bank, bruise Ions ego or ruin anyones game in here lol

You’re furthering my case and hurting yours lol

Didn’t you know? You are playing the game “wrong”. Anytime you reach a quota and max something out, then clearly you aren’t playing correctly and need to correct your behavior. Offering up feedback on a more comfortable solution as a QOL upgrade to the game isn’t allowed. You are supposed to play the way folks tell you to play, because the game is set in stone, and never updates or improves over time. NOT ALLOWED.


It’s been increased, it literally jumped up 40% at the beginning of DF (25-35). It didn’t solve the problem. Getting another jump isn’t going the solve the problem. You’ll hit the new limit as well, and come with the same complaints.

So increasing the quest log isn’t going to solve the issue if the same issues are going to keep arising.

You could…do those quests and not let them set for months? That tends to be the only time I hit this issue. That or when I have tons of old quests and a new expac drops.

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lol…every time a topic comes up that only affects some players and not others…RELIGIOUSLY…the ones who ARENT effected by it have this compulsion to come in railing on making fool of self trying to make it sound like one has an argument to make when its obvious they have none.

If I see something that doesnt affect me, I’ll ignore it like an adult…or if I do comment its nearly always affirming the OP where the request is logical AND is affecting more than them.

This quest log increase has been asked for a long list of times.
granted RECENTLY I havent had the problem of it being full BUT that is only because Ive not been running old content questlines for mogs as much lately.
If I were to start doing that again guaranteed i’ll have to decide to delete some quest I need sooner or later.
I dont know where the number is now but 100+ quests in the log isnt going to break anyones game.

IF they are doing their quests AS they claim then they literally will see no change in their games whatsoever…in which case you have to ask yourself why they are obsessing so hard that someone else is asking for more quest slots.

Seems its always attention seeking trolling, if I were to take a guess.

my ignore list certainly has grown since this thread started lol

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40% sounds MASSIVE, especially with phrases like “literally jumped” which of course it quite literally didn’t, but hey, “shock value! wow!” until you realize it’s only two quest hubs worth of quests. It’s a fantastic example of manipulating statistics to inflate an argument.

Per Wowhead, when you don’t filter by xpac, there are 36,287 quests in their DB. If you do:
-1. The weekly from Val
-2. The special weekly from Val
-3-5. The three special ones in ED, current time
-6-8. The three PVP ones
-9-10. The two raid ones (if you haven’t done them yet)
-11. A quest chain in DF from the main storyline
-12. whatever quest might be getting done to satisfy the special weekly if needed
-13-20. Whatever quest hub you are currently working
-21-24. Possible item drop quests that popped up as you work through things.
-25-27. The two quest hovers that chase you until you accept them
-28-29. The two tradeskill weeklies.
-30. The vault weekly.

You’ve now left yourself room for (5) quests from the entire rest of the game beyond what you would likely be working on TODAY, maintenance/reset day, if you are a fairly new character that hasn’t done everything yet.

Have fun with that.

Not sure why it formatted like it did, but the point stands.


sure… act coy.

i did not tell you that.
what i did say, was:

a change to the quest log wouldn’t impact your gameplay at all.

thanks for coming, i guess?