Your Mage can do stuff! So, DO STUFF!

Absolutely! If I see a mana bar, I know I’m using Earth Shock, every single time it’s available AND a Grounding Totem for good measure.

I will grant that as a player learns new areas and dungeons they may need to learn what curses exist and what can be removed, but there’s no excuse for not knowing those abilities exist in our playbook.

I won’t tell you how to play, I just won’t invite you to groups and guilds won’t want you either. Grouping up with 25 people isn’t about you being selfish, right?


His parents probably pay for his subscription.

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My mage is good at reminding warlocks and hunters that they will never be #1.

been saying this since classic 98% of the mages are complete s**t

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Right on queue, here comes Kumasama to add absolutely jack nothing to the conversation except insults.

You do realize that resorting to insults is a clear sign you lack the intellect to actually participate in the debate.

But I would expect nothing less for you.

Always blame the tank.

Arcane has 40% threat reduction.

Tanks need to get gud.

I will say this… Spellsteal is mana intensive… there are times it is worth it… and times where the mob recast the buff so fast it is pointless…

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I mean, my parents used to pay for my subscription too, back when I played OG Vanilla in 2004. I never found that insulting and was very grateful for it! Just remember to thank your parents for their generosity! :blush:

Is it percentage-based or does it have a base mana cost?

I love tanks that dont know how to pull.
I love Hunters that dont know how to control their pets.
I love Locks that start to seed before tank has established threat.
I love Mages that start to AoE before the tank has established threat.
I love Rogues that stay in melee range while a big AoE phase taking extra damage for no reason.
I love Druids that prehot only to pull aggro off tank. haven’t really played with a feral/boomkin. lol

Everyone has a problem with something be like me and just dont pug heroics. I’m not even attuned to SSC/TK. LOL

I like to shield warrior tanks. C’mon, you know you do it…

And, as a response, you double down on adding nothing to the discussion!

Bold move!

What’s next? Some ad hominems for good measure? Go for the hat trick!

lol… nah, I dont. I used too though. =)

Here is my response to you. Enjoy it.

/cancelaura Power Word: Shield

There’s absolutely no love lost between Kumasama and myself, but I’d much rather group with him than you. I’m not telling you how to play the game, I’m telling you I’d never waste my time being in a group with you because of how you play the game.


I’d group with any of y’all. Except I play on Classic only so grouping with folks on Retail would be difficult.

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Seems alien to me. I pay a lot of gold for those abilities, damn right I am using them.

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I was in a group this week with a mage who kept switching between schools of magic. He was speced frost but kept rotating in fireballs and arcane misses. Needles to say he didn’t top any damage meters.