Aye, hence some of the forsaken going for dark magic to keep their body together. Fel energy can heal their body without the pain of the light. But some corruption might occur.
Iām really glad that everyone agrees on some level that the current status quo with the Horde, just isnāt fun. I think at a high level the Horde needs a definition of what it is. Itās in my opinion lacking a cohesive goal and mission statement. Right now after 2 lost wars, and a general operational failure in the MOP intro, battle of Dazar alor, and general Zandalari leveling campaign and sidelining during shadowlands, dragonflight, and TWW. The Horde Feels like the junior partner and for the most part a boring Red Alliance who kind of fails their way through each expansion pack.
Now with that said I think we are in a prime position to do some cool stuff, if blizzard is interested in telling a good Horde political story. I think to start with the Horde needs to be differentiated from the Alliance. In the past, with the Warchief we had a supreme executive that ruled over the Bloc. Iām not saying we need to return to that, but an EU style Political and Economic Union, could work, this could come with its own chief executive for economic and foreign policy. This would contrast with the NATO like approach the Alliance has.
I would also like to see a confederation of the Kalimdor Horde into a single state. I think after everything thatās happened. It just feels like the Orcs and co really dont have the power they used to and unification could bring that Bloc back to relevancy. I also think this would open up doors for interesting stories to be told in Kalimdor revamp and as a balance of power in the Horde between them, the Forsaken, and the Zandalari.
Orā¦get thisā¦donāt. in fact, get rid of factions all together.
Horde and alliance are just window dressing
They are not. The Council was a hole to dump the problematic faction into and bury.
Making the Horde interesting again is as simple as returning to its roots, which is why Metzen gives me some hope. But with his intention to take a hands off approach, that hope dims significantly. Heritage quests have been the only glimpses of Horde Done Right I have seen in the past decade, and those are tiny islands in a vast ocean of blandified irrelevance.
I think both things can be true at the same time. The Horde can be interesting by challenging it in new ways. Like how would the council deal with an Arathi Empire attack that only targets the Horde. Would they be able to get their stuff together without a warchief and without Alliance assistance? We saw from heartlands that when Thrall put out a request for a summit after Dalaran fell only a handful of Horde leaders bothered to show and the Horde part of the strikeforce is basically just Maghar + Korākron. Would the whole Horde really rally to a members defense? Do they even have the strength to? Would the council system survive in the same capacity or would reform happen?
Thatās just one idea, I think whatever story they want to tell can work as long as they present the horde as competent and winning; not as a scrappy group salvaging a colossal failure (Jade forest, Twilight Highlands), watching everything fall apart (Zandalari leveling campaign) just straight up losing (horde war campaign and battle of Dazaralor) or as sidekicks (most expansions)
At this stage, they could level all of the Horde cities and flood them under-water and I would legitimately not be surprised.
Horde have just been so obsolete in the story, followed by people telling the Horde playerbase that they have the āsameā if not āmoreā relevance ā itās honestly such an eyesore & insult to peoples intelligence, itās just exhausting at this point ā¦ Many of us are over it.
My leadership idea for the Horde is to give a raise to all the employees responsible for the Hordeās lore if they exist for us to see if we will get a lore in the next expansion and if we donāt just fire them all.
The absence of a warchief is a lesser matter now because we the Horde right now we donāt even exist in the game anymore, what is going on? Since the undoing of our lore in shadownlands things got worse and worse to the point of the complete annihilation of our npcs, the only NPC Horde has now is a new Ally NPC and his name is Thrall, the traitor.
I remember how cool was the Horde of steel in the times of Garrosh so many Alliance players considering playing in the Horde due to Garroshās lore, the idea of this game since Orcs & Humans is that we can choose a side and there is no wrong side in the story, this is how it felt since I started playing the game but they are trying harder and harder to deny the Horde an honorable position in this world, these left over people that still stand in the company just donāt simpatize with the Horde and we can feel it through the gamesā content.
We all remember the moralism of Aysa in the Wandering Isle when Ji Firepaw was trying to save the Turtle. While Ji always had a plan and was acting on it Aysa was always meditating and doing nothing and this is what means to be for the Horde instead of being for the Alliance, freedom, action and no moral attachments, the moralism in the Alliance is just an inner necessity of controlling peoplesā will and we know the name of it but I will not say it out loud because I was silenced because of it before, actually, proving my point.
I know that as a Pandaren Iām not in position to tell the Horde what to do or how things are going but what I know is that the Horde folks arenāt Tushui followers despite of the weakness that Thrall brings to the Horde, the Horde is quick to act and quicker to fight, the Horde follows the Huojin path.
Warcraft and political intrigue would be a first, but the elephant in the room would remain not delivering on the themes that informed Horde fantasy. As is, it feels like walking into your favorite Mexican restaurant and finding out it is now a Golden Corral, but everyone insists it is still the Mexican restaurant.
All Blizzard needs to be able to use the Horde in the plot is to decide they want to.
Blizzard never āchallengesā the Alliance. They just decide the plot they want and populate it with characters from Alliance Lore.
Some of the characters face challenges. But so do some of the Horde characters. And if there are more Alliance characters like that, it is only because, in addition to never making them a significant part of the plot, the character development is also lacking.
The WoW universe is not sophisticated or sturdy enough to carry two factions without faction conflict being the central theme of the story. The writers arenāt good enough to tell a story that showcases both factions without making one faction the bad guy.
The alternative is what we getā¦ Instead of a consistent theme of faction conflict punctuated by cosmic shared enemies, itās repetitive world ending, existence threatening big bads, punctuated by horde āwar crimesā in case we forget that the horde exist.
I enjoy the game, because itās kind of the only option, but they REEEEEALLLY need to get back to basics.