Your leadership ideas for the Horde

This is basically where I am on it. It fits with the idea of suspended decay.

When they are raised the magic is set. It wants to hold them in that state. So, if they take damage and you cannibalize parts to return them to that state you are working with the magic. If you try to fix them in a way that goes beyond that state you are working against it and the magic will push them back down, weakening the replacement parts, to where they were. Whatever state they were raised as is the best they can be.

In the case of the glow up, that was a completely different body being raised with his soul in put in. It was a fresh raising of a better body. So, his new body would be held in that better condition.

It all fits with the idea idea that the magic wants them in the state they were first raised in.

And Golden’s story works if you consider the weak undead as a only a some of the Forsaken. Something that I believe was there. It was just not made very clear in the narrative that it was only a portion of the Forsaken.

There are two groups of Forsaken that would have to worry about falling apart.

  1. Those raised from very weak corpses.
  2. Those more poor members, or less important ones, that don’t have ready access to replacement parts when something is damaged.

Remember, the Forsaken were raising people from crypts and graves. You have to assume there would be some corpses in a pretty bad state there. Some very old ones dried out and weak for example. Any of those Forsaken would probably be stuck in that state.

And body parts wont always be readily available. If a Forsaken is not important, or doesn’t have access to some wealth or resources, even something as simple as tripping and breaking something might be an injury they have to ‘live’ with because they can’t get a replacement part.


I always found it weird races like Mechagnomes and Forsaken are so unimaginative in their pursuits when it comes to body modification. It’d be hilarious if some Forsaken somehow got their hands on a Flesh Titan and had their tiny head put on top of it.

I’m still actively mad the Forsaken don’t have any of those. We know they can reprogram Abominations from the Scourge so why didn’t they snatch any of those from Northrend.

How badass would it have been in Darkshore if you just had an ancient and flesh titan going at it like;


I maintain that should have been the Forsaken’s post Wrath, definitely post Shadowlands, arc. Sending squads out to Northrend to capture and deprogram the now masterless scourge. It’d be an entirely ethical way of bolstering their numbers and they’d get members in line with the WC3 undead faction instead of just humans.

Plus it gives them something to do that isn’t moustache twirling villainy with the plague.

Tbf Abominations are basically flesh golems. The Alliance takes one with a Death Knight during the Battle of Andorhal.

The rank and file tend to either go feral / be necromancer minions. Or have free will. In Deathknell you have to put down people who couldn’t quite take the resurrection and went mindless. And the only recorded instance of a mindless undead being brought back over to the mindful side was Nathanos Blightcaller.

So. True love’s kiss basically. Which is to say if someone didn’t have the strength of mind to snap out of it they’re basically screwed.

Which I kind of like because extremely wealthy aristocrats and powerful warriors remained enslaved to the Scourge. But like little old ladies didn’t. So it really is an X factor.

Personally I think it’d be funny if it only works on the mentally ill. Which would explain why the Forsaken are… well the Forsaken.

Like they’re all bipolar, BPD, depressed, outright schizophrenic or whatever. Then they turn to Leonid and ask why he seems so normal but he’s completely zoned out and bouncing his foot.

“Ah ADHD counts”


also keep in mind nathano’s wasen’t entirely feral, he was barely lucid sure and did attack people, but enough of him was left in there that he could recognise sylvanas

But again that felt like a true love kinda thing. Itd be interesting if they tried that with the Forsaken if they had loved ones that were Scourge.

But like they try to free one of the Agamand’s souls in the chapel in Brill and he just goes berserk.

So I think you need some form of True Love be it romantic or familial or platonic but something. They’re feral zomboids just as dangerous to the Forsaken as anyone else you dont just say howdy.

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Benedikt’s right, according to the book named after her, Sylvanas literally had to plead with Nathanos and use their romantic bond to rouse him into resisting the control, and even after he snapped out of it, that sasshole was so ashamed and horrified of the monster he had become that he could hardly stand to be in her presence, thinking she would be disgusted with him. Alas, both halves of her apparently love him so much that after merging, she’s still focused on getting him back. Which makes it so odd that Blizzard had her leave him behind to get got by Tyrande in her Illidan Cosplay.

But oh well. It’s clear that if the Forsaken had the means to rehabilitate the Scourge, they’d have done it, and after Lich King Arthas was defeated, even more portions of the Scourge regained free will and broke away in the Eastern Plaguelands. Which lasted all of a day before they formed their own little fiefdoms instead of joining their already freed cousins in Tirsifal.

Would have been real odd for the Argents stationed in the Western Plaguelands to see a giant procession of former-Scourge just marching tirelessly in the direction of the Bulwark in order to join the Forsaken. If that had happened, I bet the Crusade would have reclaimed Stratholme by now, and the Eastern Plaguelands would be getting restored and allowing the Argents to thrive as one of Lordaeron’s proper heirs.


It’ll remain forever weird to me that they wrote a subplot for the Forsaken that shows for them that true love’s kiss can blast apart the maddening shackles of the Lich King.

And have this be between Sylvanas and a mangled ghoul.

And somehow they made that an evil story.

That is the most Disney ish in WoW and like a cousin gets melted to a stone slab and it ends with a team up with an insulting dull version of Satan.

Really infinite different ways they could’ve taken that story and it ends up with them being completely diabolical.


I mean evil queen X minion is a trope for a good reason, its a real good ship

She lost her V card to him and searched across the Plaguelands to find his zombified corpse. Thats a hell of a minion.

Granted he never even lightly challenges her until the bitter end when it’s way too late to do so.

I don’t know call me a misogynist but I think you have to intervene after her first genocide if nothing else. Sometimes you have to let your partner know they cant have it all and if THE DARK ONE says otherwise then maybe it’s just not meant to be.


It’s in the nature of men who date Windrunners to defer to them in all things.

Rhonin: “So, you started a political hate group as a side hobby? Should I be worried?”

Vereesa: “Trust me, I’ve got this.”

Nathanos: “I don’t know if daring the whole world to kill us was such a good idea, maybe let’s just run away and hide together, like old times?”

Sylvanas: “Trust me, I’ve got this.”

Turalyon: “Darling, I’m a little concerned about your vendetta against the Onlyelfs Feetpics model, and—”

Alleria: “Trust me, I’ve got this.”

Those boys never learn.


Well given that there elf wives are the stronger of them, aint no way any of them didn’t know what they were signing up for

The idea of Forsaken physicians paralleling Ripper Docs but for corpses goes really hard.

It still cracks me up that the glimpse of Turalyon and Alleria we get is of a toxic, one-sided relationship. And it is supposed to be a touching moment.


rotate the position of warchief among the representatives on the council (ideally just the core races, so orc, tauren, troll, forsaken, belf, goblin, etc)

I’d love this kind of solution, where a new Horde leader is named Warchief for each expansion depending on what kind of enemy the Horde is gearing up to fight.

This concept comes with a built-in:

  1. Pre-launch or launch event/cinematic, where the council reacts to an incoming new threat and selects who will be the one to lead the Horde forces to counter it.
  2. Featured Horde character to be their faction’s face in the expac.
  3. Narrative Horde stake in the specific expac’s conflict, as their Warchief is personally responsible for ending whatever threat it is.

However, I think this is all contingent on the writers wanting each faction to have its own stake in new expac events, and sadly DF and TWW make me feel like they don’t want to bother.


I wouldn’t use rotate, it assumes a level of ordered change, ‘oh its your turn now.’

Elect or choose would be a preferable term for me. If it happens to be Lor’themar, then Baine, then Talanji, then Lor’themar again, cool, but have that debate of why they believe they should lead this campaign or what have you instead of just an expected ‘your turn, with X on deck.’

Works even better if that person has some issues going on at home, in both directions. Midnight we know we’ll be back in Quel’thalas, so everyone elects Lor’themar to lead the Horde as Warchief to defend his nation and one of their greatest assets. Last Titan roles around and they want to elect Lor’themar again since he did such a great job but declines as Silvermoon is a wreck and his attention is needed there. So they elect Rokhan as the only person left who has been to Northrend, or something.

So instead of forcing Lor’themar to hold his term doing the Last Titan because its his turn or rotation when SMC is probably in ruins, again, let it have more give.


The fact that they are decaying is referenced numerous times since Vanilla.

The fact that the light causes them pain isn’t necessarily a very big deal, but the fact that it causes their senses to return, and they can taste their tongues rotting in their mouths and feel the maggots crawling beneath their skin… Makes them want to Epstein themselves.

They are out here replacing body parts… Like not just warriors, but scientists and Taylors and inn keepers are rolling up to Deathknell for some new elbows.

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On the other hand: Vol’jin is dead and Vol’jin was the one person who convinced Lor’themar to stay and support the coup. It could make sense that no one else wants the attachments to Orgrimmar that warchief implies (the Echo Isles being a region of Durotar, otoh, gave the Darkspears those attachments too).