So I have the hypothetical idea to completley sort out the current leaders of the Horde with characters that do not YET exist or did exist before WOW launched. Tell me how you would see the perfect one for each race and explain on a short note why you think that way.
Orcs: Should be a warrior. Thrall is great but he missed his chance after Cataclysm to reconnect with the Orcs starved of resources. Sure he has a unique way of looking at society due to being raised by humans but after seeing Geya’rah handling things I realised that there aren’t many Orcs left to take the mantle. Maybe Durak can be a worthy successor after being old enough. The rest of the veterans are already gone so the options are limited.
Trolls: Vol’jin no doubt. The way Legion treated him was awful and I hope he returns soon because Rokhan is just devoid of any aura or charisma.
Tauren: I know Baine is the rightful heir of his father but I would pay money to watch him have a big brawl with both Magatha and Mayla. As the other huge Tauren personalities around. Like civil war worthy type of stuff.
Blood elves: Kael’thas should have never gone evil and I stand by that point. Retcon all of TBC while we are at it.
Goblins: Gazlowe is a unionist. Gallywix is a mafia lord. I leave it to the reader to decide who is better at their job. For some reason the little greenlings do not have their own Gelbin kind of person who is genius at being an engineer.
Undead: Kick Calia out and give her place to Mortuus, Anselm or the Black Bride. Just get rid of that light princess please. We need folks who were Forsaken not in just name, and that girl never suffered rejection.
Dracthyr: Does anyone else feel like they handed their overlordship to the dragon aspects? It seems the Scale Commanders have no influence after the Sundered Flame disaster.
Pandaren: Not hate on Ji but Chen is the OG gigachad of them and despite being a wanderer he has a deep history with many Horde leaders from the current era.
Allied races can stay the way it is right now I have no beef with any of those.
They never should have gotten rid of the Warchief position.
Rather, the position should’ve had it’s fangs drawn at least a little by a Horde Council. A Warchief with no checks and balances is a danger to the Horde (and the rest of the World), but it is still far too iconic a part of the Horde for the Horde to feel like the Horde without it.
The current roster is fine, it just needs more development for individual characters, and each of them should have at least -1- potential replacement in the wings, likewise receiving development, if the character needs to step down for whatever reason. By step down, I don’t mean permanently, either. Genn, Tyrande, and Malfurion all stepped down, and their replacements just have NOT received the sort of development time to feel like meaningful replacements (still a step above having NO replacement whatsoever as the Horde has been forced to endure for a long while).
That gives Blizzard the excuse to kill them.
Didn’t stop Blizzard from killing characters when they DIDN’T have potential successors.
We already are at a stage where none of the leaders had good replacements so they went with black smith Johnny from Razor Hill literally. Killing them the first time was already a great mistake.
Just give me back Vanilla era Thrall at Warchief. The Council is stupid and has resulted in radio silence exactly like everyone predicted.
Honestly i reckon warchief should be like ancient romes tyrants, chosen in times of crisis and given complete control and then stepping down once the crisis is over
The crisis is never over. One reality-destroying threat is dealt with, another pops up the following weekend.
Idk much about Rome, but I imagine this is how it often went.
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Actually until ceaser, every one just gave up the power the moment the crisis was over
Yea, but this way they could use it to justify having a different horde character in the hot seat each time
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I think the entire concept of a war chief went out the window after Sylvanas, as time goes on horde and alliance are blurring together, the alliance has a king because they operate with a monarchy, warchief existed to lead the horde to prosperity after being rejected by the new world they settled in. I think the boringness comes from the horde now operating like the alliance with their allies and having a council.
An Orc Warchief
just don’t make him the unilateral leader with no checks and balances.
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The problem is the next time Blizzard wants a Horde villain they’ll have an even easier time of it when the Warchief just executes the entire council as traitors to their will. You know it and I know it.
Yea, but if they want a villain not having a warchief isn’t going to matter, a horde villain is always possible if the writers want it
I’m just saying, in and out of universe the council would be an impotent tool to prevent a Warchief from abusing their power. The Horde’s structure means violent deposement? (what the hell is the form of the word I’m looking for here?) is the only way to remove them. The kind of unilateral ruler who would respect a council edict wouldn’t need them to go “you suck, go away”.
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A council would be impotent in a horde villain story anyway
Orcs has potential leaders. Drek’tar, Etrigg, even Rehgar Earthfury.
They have so much potential you couldn’t even remember how to spell a single one of them correctly lol.
12am on the phone and half alseep lol
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