Your leadership ideas for the Horde

Not cool and not original.


Who is that?

It’s me!

You want to lead the Forsaken? Got any experience?

Okay. So. I like the bloodhoof family. Nice people. I think they need to be offed tho. And magatha takes over. Imagine the sheer joy of Tauren being the aggressors of the horde.

To add to this. I think her and Gorgonna, the leader of the Warsong, would be a great way to get some fun back in the horde. Maybe find some obscure mostly forgotten Troll witch doctor to lead the trolls. Old, long a f beard, hunched over with a walking stick like the Warcraft 3 model.

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If only Blizzard can come up with so something original and cool these days…

Good idea yes.

I don’t think she is the kind of leader you think she is, considering she acted generally with mercy in mind in WotLK to the point of having to kill her sister who embraced Garrosh’s mindset, and in general agreed with Thrall’s philosophy of the orcs living in hardship in Durotar to atone for the sins of the Old Horde.


Someone in GD put forward the idea of Ariok son of Etrigg as the leader of the orcs. I like the idea. He’s heroic. He’s open to cooperation with The Alliance but not as hand-fed as Thrall. He’s heroic, intelligent and a dire-orc.

And he’s a Blackrock orc, which is the best kind of orc.


As certifird shadowmoon fan I disagree.


Shadowmoon is great. Dragonmaw is great (did we ever learn the fate of Zaela?). Maybe the top three for me. I just love the Blackrocks, especially with the steam-punk makeover WoD gave them. I want Black Tooth Grin to come back, too.

Honestly, orcs have some of the best world-building. I feel like Frost Wolf and Warsong could sit out the leadership discussion, but only because those two have had the spot light long enough.


We killed her in WoD in the revamped Upper Blackrock Spire, Gorfax Angerfang replaced her as chieftain.


Right, right. That dungeon. That’s disappointing, but I remember now.

Maybe she had a son with Garrosh

I want Magatha Grimtotem to lead the Tauren :dracthyr_nod:

It’s a controversial opinion and I get the “Rararara! :angry: She killed Cairne! Grrr!” — but she’d shake things up & make the tauren have a more intriguing and compelling storyline amongst the Horde.

  • Plus, thus far she’s proved to be a more hands-on leader than Baine :roll_eyes:

I wouldn’t mind if Magatha had a ‘redemption’ in some regard, such as surprisingly sparing Baine’s life & actually helping him survive in some kind of dire-scenario a short time later — Similarly to how Baine had chosen to spare her life years ago.

I want to see more Bleeding Hollow Clan relevance honestly. :person_shrugging:

I absolutely LOVED the ‘Lords of War Part Four – Kilrogg’ video


And would love to see some of the old / OG rituals the orcs use to perform; from the grizzly, the mystic and even the shamanistic — I believe it could help revive some awe-factor into the orc race.


I want leaders & introductions that bring about more story potential for the various races, new (or neglected) characters and cool narratives later on.


You have good taste my man.


Magatha is a good character that I want them to keep around, but making her the High Chieftain of the Tauren would be like making Ashvane Lord-Admiral (if she were somehow still around).

Just… stop writing Baine as such a self hating sad sack loser. Tap into the awesome warrior-hunter foundation of their culture and stop carting them out only when you need someone to handwring and call for peace. Oh, and uh, maybe less of the jarringly random, wildly racist side quest stuff for Baine? Whatever the hell that whole thing was.


I say this as an Alliance fan, Baine sucks. He’s an Alliance bootlick who has no place leading a faction opposed to them. When he should be looking out for his people he’s selling them down the river because Anduin asked nicely. And sometimes even when he didn’t. He literally sent a piece of himself to the guy in the mail.