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Since WoW now runs on Mac M1 chips, could it also run on iPadOS which uses basically the same chip? I can’t see why not, if the user has a keyboard and mouse.

Why does it cost 2x to 3x as much to buy D2 as D3?

The Eternal Ones seem rather weak compared to the Titans, are they just some kind of Titanic Keepers like Oydn, Freya and Loken?

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Why is the cloth transmog/tier sets always ugly robes, where are the pants and tunics?

Certain classes need help, will they have to wait two years for the next expansion or will this be addressed in this expansion?

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Given you showed no Chains of Domination gameplay and offered very few details it is clear that 9.1 is a minimum of four months away and more likely six plus.

Whatever it is you are trying to do in WoW is clearly not working. Are you willing yet to admit your failures and return WoW to what made it a decent game?
No convoluted, artificially time gated systems, but rather our full ability toolkit and a content rich sandbox to play in.
Start creating content instead of systems and give us Tier Sets to make gameplay more engaging.


Can we remove aoe cap? If not could you explain your reason on why not because feel like it’s not fair on certain specs that gets hold back because of that. Plus speed running old raids to nuke everything down in one go is painful to do. Thank you for reading my question. Happy blizzcon!

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In terms of the current story within the Shadowlands, can we get any clarification on the status of Maw Walkers and what makes or disqualifies a character from this power? How many maw walkers are there? Many? Few?

Will the new raid have class themed armor sets again? Any armor set bonuses for the PvE/PvP sets?

For Classic:

With the pre-nerf boss announcement, any more details on if this just means pure numbers reverted or will certain mechanics return?

Also will Heroic Dungeon trash be pre nerf? (Lots of fun antics and memories with the challenge of this trash back in the day.)

any plans for new specs? many classes seem to have only 1 or even 0
also, when are all specs going to play by the same rules?

Hi there! With the new mega dungeon, will it be added to the m+ pool in season 2? Perhaps after a few weeks or a month? It would be shame to wait until season 3 there.
Thanks again

My specific question on Flying has three parts:

  • Is it Pathinder (account-wide flying unlock) for Shadowlands?
  • What zones does it unlock flying for? (All four Covenant zones or just ours?)
  • Are Covenant dungeon & raid quests considered chapters of our Covenant storyline campaign?

According to the What’s Next for Shadowlands in 9.1 segment of Blizzconline yesterday, they said completing your Covenant chapters “…will unlock flying.

I find that specific verbiage to be highly suspect and disappointing because Pathfinder was never mentioned.

Pathfinder was the trade off for not having flying per character at cap at launch, in that it unlocked flying for our entire account. The account-wide unlock made doing a required set of content along with a months-long time gate, tolerable.

If there’s not an account-wide unlock, please be up front about it now.

This announcement is also suspiciously devoid of details on where we’ll be able to fly yet heavy on the import of our “Covenant.” Is that because we’ll only unlock flying in our Covenant zone? I think it’s a reasonable question considering both transmog and Covenant mounts aren’t account-wide.

I’d also like more specifics on Covenant dungeon quests since instances don’t allow flying, and a great many players no longer run instances due to the level of toxic drama. Are those required? Why not give us an actual list of the specific requirements?

And if it’s not account-wide because it’s not Pathfinder, that information should be released now as well.

Is the Drust storyline finished or do we deal with them again later? Do we learn more about Thros? What of that Botani we see in Ardenweald?

Are all future playable races going to be Allied races?

Have you considered adding new classes or specs? If so, what are they?

Who is the Winter Queen’s sister?

Is the Runecarver the Primus?

Will we go beyond renown 40?

Tauren mage?

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Are there any plans to introduce more class/race combinations, Vulpera Paladins?

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When will you implement #SoloQueue for rated PvP? The LFG system is archaic and gatekeeps people from progressing in game.

Can we expect to see more heritage armor in the future?

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Are we going to be getting any more Heritage armor for the base races like night elves or undead since it’s been over 4 years of waiting?

We are often told of how one of the primary goals is to provide players with meaningful choices, and that “there should be something for everyone”. Despite this, still there’s no choice available for all those hunters who were forced out of playing the Survival specialization, going into Legion.

Will we ever see the old ranged Survival(pre-Legion) back as a playable option? Updated and implemented as a 4th option for the class.

For tbc Classic Some changes I would like to see.

Dual spec,

Drums of battle nerved or changed in some way Personally I would just like to see you don’t have to be a leather worker to use them.

And something done about Faction balance personally I would like to see alliance racial’s buffed And I do have some suggestions.

Humans Give them all man’s for himself That they got in cata.

Dwarves Change gun specialization To 5% crit And give them command like orcs have.

Gnomes Um ever be nice I can’t think of much may be increasing 5% intellect buff to 10%?.

Night elves New racial Blessing of the forest 5% to Agility.

derani New racial Strength of the narrow 5% bonus to strength.

Those would be my suggestions

Now other games have started region merges. Can we see region change or region merges in the future?