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Will the Infinite Dragonflight Pirate Dragon also be a possible mount drop? Asking for a pirate captain friend…


It was stated during BFA that class themed sets could be a possibility for Shadowlands, not on launch but maybe down the line.

Any update or confirmation on class themed sets?


Could you consider reworking or rebalancing the racial abilities? People all playing Orcs/Humans whenever possible in the competitive modes of the game is very boring.

Stun effects being core to PvP gameplay, of course any effects affecting them is going to be necessary to be competitive.

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After we defeat Sylvanas in the upcoming raid, will she finally give my hunter her bow?


Considering we got kpop, any words about dance studio?

1.) With the Phylactery of Kel’Thuzad location MIA, does that mean Kel’Thuzad is safe or will defeating him in the Shadowlands prevent his soul from returning to his phylactery?
2.) How does Sylvanas feel about working with Kel’Thuzad once more? Does she see it as her pulling his strings or as a necessary evil for her plans?

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What are you going to do about the broken PvP match making system and carries

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Will you bring ranged survival hunters back as a new spec or a replacement of melee?

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Is there going to be an updated catch up mechanic for the Renown system if players decide to switch covenants once they hit rank 40 or before the patch goes live?

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Any future changes for improving communication with player spec feedback? Specs like Survival Hunter feel like they are always put on the back of the bus.

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I thought the showcase was fun, and I’m excited to see where the patch takes us, but I wanted to ask about things that weren’t included as we go on:
• What does the timeline and schedule look like for heritage armor sets that have yet to be released?
• You implied more cosmetic options in your photo of the Venthyr mog set. Does that mean more customization is coming? What is the timeline for that? Will it include Troll beards?


with the shadowlands class unpruning you added back a handful of abilities players were missing in legion and battle for azeroth, will you consider returning the class depth we had back in mists of pandaria and warlords of draenor? the game is still missing the flavor it had back in those days, even with these much-appreciated abilities returned… and can you please return steady-shot to beastmastery hunters? barbed-shot does’nt have the same ‘punch’ as steady-shot has.


Are there any plans for fixing Legion legacy raid scaling?


What’s happening with the Scourge apocalypse on Azeroth? Without her champions and the bulk of her leaders Azeroth is fuddleficked.


The alliance vs horde faction imbalance in the higher end communities need to be addressed. Horde massively out number the Alliance in all forms of high end content. Why am I being forced to not be able to play with my friends on horde just because I want to play a Night Elf ? The faction leaders get together almost every other patch in some form or another but the player characters still cannot.

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Can Blood Elves finally get Dark Ranger customization, Farstrider Tatts, and de-tentacled void elf hair? It’s only fair that we share with our red loving cousins after we got their skin.


I’m curious, what does that mog image show? A new hairstyle or something?

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When will player character trolls get beards?


Will that mysterious Dark Ranger questline, Memento of the Dark Ranger finally materialize in 9.1?


Where is Nathanos Brightcaller? Did he not say he would be by her side?