I’ve been moving between the two realms asking this general question on both: "What would you think if Horde RP Capitol WRA and Alliance RP Capitol Moon Guard moved to one?
Most responses where this:
“I Left XYZ because of drama”
“X Server is a cesspool”
“I would but there’s so much drama on XYZ”
“Ew Goldshire”
All of the reasons stated were not sufficient enough to back up the fact that everyone RP’s, everyone is entitled to an opinion, and drama is only drama if you insert yourself in it. There is a wide agreement that both realm populations are dwindling or starting to, and that RP or team activities could be beneficial. This especially being backed by the coming faction/group changes.
Note: This does not exclude those players who suffer from harassment, are stalked and/or stalk, but that’s where /ignore and reporting/law is assessed. This argument was met with “If I have to /ignore I might as well not be on the realm.” This is good and should be considered. But more action should be on the aggressor and not the victim.
I bring this question to the forums, if both RP sides where on one REALM, there would be easier organization, faction in-game disputes/WPVP, and a plethora of stories to come. Not to mention activity! I noticed MG Hordeside picking up.
Some topics touched:
You will always have drama wherever you go, its human nature and inevitable. You can only decide what perspective to take and how to respond.
Goldshire is and always has been goldshire, if you don’t like it, don’t partake in it.
There are countless profiles and creative minds that would benefit from broader recognition.
WoW is a MMO-RPG first, a PVP/PVE game second. RP is something to come together on, not break apart. Especially for reasons such as drama, ego boosting, and “I don’t like you.”