Well! Seeing as I’ve already broken my Thou Shalt Not Post As Much rule, I figured why not take things a step further and start a forum thread. Heck, maybe I’ll even get back up to Trust Level 3! It’d be nice to post RP location guides again.
Obviously there’s been a lot of discussion about the current state of RP on WrA, and a lot of that discussion involves RP events - when and where to schedule them, how to promote them, if they’re a good way to get people back to the server, etc. But I don’t want to talk about any of that.
Instead, I want to know what you feel is an “ideal” RP event.
Is there a specific theme you enjoy? Do you prefer something that takes place in an already designated RP hub, or would you rather it be out in the open world? Would you rather have a small, intimate crowd, or a large one? How do you feel about combat? How do you feel about incorporating community-made d20 systems into things?
I’m curious to hear your thoughts, and hey, maybe we can give WrA’s resident organizers and DMs some ideas.
Me, some “friends”, one of those Nerf revolvers with 1 dart missing. Spin the chamber, if you get shot you have to go walk-up to the least dressed Roleplayer within sight and try to convince them to join the game.
I’m sure you could make more rules but I haven’t had luck convincing people to play “Russian Roulette with a Twist” with me yet. Cowards.
The most fun i had in a unique way back on ED, was alot of rpers i knew had taken archeology and we would ride ground mounts/ zeppelins where we needed to go and made a big to do about it.
I’m really fond of community based event that exists as an excuse to get out and see new creative projects of other groups. I once hosted a biweekly market in Boralus for almost a year back when I played Alliance pre-Shadowlands, and I’m plotting to do something similar with a neutral potluck that will be coming around sooner or later!
I’ve seen a lot of soup kitchens, and a few feasts here and there (which imho is odd, because “having a feast” is such a fantasy thing to do you’d think you’d see it more), but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a potluck.
Currently: RPing in a raid and complaining about OSHA violations
Lich King: There are no safety rails on this ice covered frozen throne. I understand you and your minions are undead but bones do not heal when you are dead.
Spine of Deathwing: I don’t even know where to start with this one.
SoO: Not enough helmets and eye protection.
Otherwise, I like the roll/dice events and if the atmosphere and vibes is Saturday morning cartoon fun.
When you can get 2 or 3 small guilds together and have a campaign to some end.
At one point i was part of Blackrock Clan (we were dark horde) IC we had beef with alot of guilds and worked it out to a few skirmishes with them.
My favorite build up, was against small guild called redridge militia. They were smaller and we would skirmish around redridge and stonewatch (our rp base) we did stuff for like 2 years and had “nameless” orcs and humans die and wrote it all up on the forums. Making sure to keep it neutral so no onee feels cheated since we wpvped
Something violent. Something illegal. Something that involves dice rolls and story. Small group, 3 to 10ish participants. Nothing remotely close to slice of life, story circles, tavern, soup kitchens, and/or poetry.
I gotta say, I love performance-based events. I love seeing how creative this community can get with what we have available. Now that I’ve joined in the performing, things are even better than ever. I feel like our guild, while small, has a really strong creative drive. We’re always striving to bring the server better shows.
Oregon Trail-style event in which I and others set out from one end of Azeroth to the other and my party slowly dwindles down due to illness and misfortune until I, alone and traumatized, crawl wearily to the end and collapse gratefully upon where I shall continue to live and honor their memories.
I’m gonna cop out and give the ‘a wide variety’ answer.
Still tho. It’s nice when someone kicks off a large event, and it spirals off smaller stuff. Trickle down RP, if you will. I promise the RP will trickle down. Like if there’s some military operation going and the main event is 20+ people smashing a bunch of Nerubians, side missions, slice of life RP, and all that other stuff is a great way to build around what’s going on. Weapon/armor repairs, logistics, food, small story telling gatherings before the main thing, scouting activities, etc. Applicable to all kinds of large events.
I don’t mind large events for casual stuff, either. I find it’s best suited for markets, meets, and other such social things. I don’t like large quantities of people for investigative, combat, or other super character-competency-fighty-healy type things because at that point, you both have to use a roll system and it becomes more about rolls than emotes. Because nobody is keeping up with 15-20+ emotes in a timely manner.
Personally though, to answer more specifically, I’m growing more and more fond of things no larger than 10 people. 5-7 is a good number, imo. I enjoy the conquest style stuff when I attend, but once there’s upwards of 10 or 15 people it becomes almost impossible to get much of any roleplaying done with other players, and most people just end up rolling, emoting, then blinking as the text chat slides by because keeping regular track of anything is bonkers difficult at that point. I don’t mind generic roll systems to help make things easier on the DM, but I prefer smaller groups so that the DM can weave in more individual interactions and responses to players that’d be impossible to manage in large groups. Liiiike, rolling to see who a boss targets, and for the next 1-2 turns that player gets an extra emote and thing to deal with that’s more akin to a freeform fight.
okay for reals when are we gonna do this. Juspion operates on saturday morning cartoon logic so if he dies, he dies but he’ll be back next week on dragon ball z
i think to for real answer the kazimir
the reason I became interested in RP servers was someone talking about how they were at a tavern, a dwarf was talking about a cave beast that killed his companion and he barely made it out with his beard on his chin. This player and others said, well, lets go avenge your friend and they spent the rest of the afternoon RPing a hike into the mountains to track down this monster. So that’s basically the root of what I like in RP.
I like going out and about in the world. Im not a big fan of city RP, so SW and Org is not my jam. There is sometimes a time and a place but I just become bored hanging out in these places long term and like to go out and do things in the world.
I also like dice, keep it random but semi-rooted so people dont end up like that bleach episode and keep teleporting behind each other for 20 minutes. I also don’t care if I keep getting awful rolls, that’s what makes it funny and sometimes you can come out with really fun development you didn’t have planned.
Also humour, there’s gotta be humour in the RP for me. I still remember one of the Dwarven moots, I laughed so hard I cried and my partner had to come and check on me and was like, are you okay because I just couldn’t stop.
Generally, I prefer relatively small groups; at most may half a raid group. It’s easier to follow and less people means more time write posts without events advancing before I can finish. We should be doing something other than casual conversation. If I’m going to an event, it should include something I can’t as easily achieve trolling for walk-ups in the city. Also quite enjoy the idea of events that seek portray particular aspects of the setting not typically portrayed, such as training sessions of various classes, the typical activity of various factions, etc. Such things are what I would like to see more in community regardless of my own participation. Admittedly however I can see how some such cases might not be interesting enough to hold enough people’s interest to be worthwhile for an event. In general, things particular to a specific race, faction or class (especially Monks, Mages, or Death Knights) are things I’d like to see and/or get involved with more.
Regarding combat, I tend to most enjoy an emote honor system, as in emoting actions and trusting they’ll be logical and fair. I’m largely about creative freedom and this method is the freest. I don’t quite hate using dice rolls, but I find I often have bad luck with them. I personally think such thing works best when there are modifiers in place that buff rolls and therefore mitigate such things, and so I tend to enjoy systems that provide such things. I’d personally only use roll-based systems for efficiency in larger groups, however.
Me surrounded by a fresh “class” of Kor’Kron Elite and several WRA Hordies clapping for us as we once again take our place as the Elite Guard of Warchief Geyarah.