Your Ideal RP Event

I prefer to keep my stuff mostly storyline focused and generally smaller events. Having done large events in the past they are hard to manage. I don’t mind some walk-up slice of life kind of interactions though either.


I’d like to see an all-forsaken WPVP that mirrors the the Gnome run where the (many) participants roll level 1s and all mog to rags to mount an attack on alliance settlements.

Yes, I’m streaming the Walking Dead as I write this.


A large gathering of gnomes/mechagnome
Discussing the applications of the new technology being rapidly discovered in the new expansion.


A large group of goblins talking best how to monetize all the new resources discovered and it break down into some goblin shenanigans over profit margins

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They’ve done this before, a few years back.

I remember because I had made GeistFieri (guy fieri)


If it could be pulled off, I think a Hearthstone tournament would be quite memorable.


Secondhand food fight:

Face off. Drop a keg and drink till one of you is a winner and the other is wet.