Your game is BROKEN

im not the one whining though

lol that kinda didnt go how you wanted it to

No, it did.

The only thing you have been doing this entire thread is repeating yourself

Just because a bunch of retail babys that “think they do but they don’t” are playing classic and trying to change it doesn’t mean there is a “problem” with the game, the problem is people investing their time into something that is clearly not their cup of tea and insisting sweeping changes to suit their own preferences at the expense of people that want the game to stay the way it was

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Weird that only premade players were exploiting though right?

Once again I don’t care about PVP, there is no one thats “good” at pvp in classic that is accomplishing anything that anyone that is awful at it can’t also accomplish. PVP is bad, its gonna stay bad.

An you want it to stay bad, despite the most fun 99% of players had in Vanilla came from the patch pre TBC where rank gear was honor cost not rank. But hey lets not down play all the afking/account sharing/bracket fixing rankers are doing.

If they didn’t no life who would?


If your opinion is that the pvp in classic is bad, don’t play classic pvp, simple

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You don’t know people’s backgrounds in the game dude. You don’t know mine. Playing “retail” means different things to different people.

You can have a top 100 end boss kill in PVE, you can make ranks in PVP in arena, it doesnt mean just flying around bfa zones gathering treasure. That equation you guys do doesn’t make a ton of sense either.

Honestly, Classic is easier in many, many ways than retail is. I could list some but I suspect it won’t sway you.


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If your opinion is that everyones but your opinion is wrong, don’t interact with other people, simple.

Maybe just try an see the world from someone else’s point of view.

You didn’t make a single point

You are accustomed to the convenience of current retail, thats fine

Stop trying to change classic to be like retail

If you dont like the way something in classic works, then thats your problem, not the games problem

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Its why i don’t bg anymore, classic pvp is completely fringe now, most of the players moved on leaving just the min maxers and no lifers to play against. It was better early on in classic.


Again, no one is saying anything like that.

/ignore. BYEEEE

Pretty sure most premading rankers wouldn’t like to be 5 capped GY farmed in most of their games.


Ok and?

Im sure most raiders don’t like to wipe over and over on the same boss either cuz they suck, whats your point?

Failing to to succeed in what you’re doing? Get more organized and Git gud

Nah, it’s just not the one you want to hear.


I’m confused by this statement. What resources do you need to post a premade group in chat? A macro you can post in trade or yell takes all of 2 mins even for a slow typing person to make. Same with a voice server.

I think you are limiting yourself and expecting blizzard to do something about it. Just take a few minutes outside of the BG to prepare these things and your results will improve greatly.

Thats pretty much what your playing against… :man_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

As in not every player is an organizer. Some players want to join a group and have a LEGIT chance of actually playing the game.

Instead I’m trying to find the best bush to hide in in AB so they don’t farm me like everyone else.

I get your point, but I am a Mage for one, I would be a great person in a group, follow direction, always do whats best for the group…but I wouldn’t want to lead one, and honestly, I shouldn’t have to LEAD a group to win a BG on a regular basis in this game.

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This system is very similar to the way Vanilla was at the end. We would premade all the time. We had WOW add ones that would queue everyone at the same time. We used Vent or Teamspeak to talk to each other. The solo person never made it that high up the ranks. I don’t pvp anymore, but this period of time for WOW was the best pvp experience the game has had. Pvp is meant to be a social experience.

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Not everyone is a winner, life is tough

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Oh being r14 isnt being a winner at life, it doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out

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You are a great example of that, thanks for pointing that out.

Everyone take note. Not everyone is a winner. Outstanding point by this guy.

Also, it is what it is, you are what you are, and roses are red and violets are blue. Keep calm and carry on, and keep it up with the great cliches. I’m loving it.

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