Your Favorite Two-Handed Weapon

This! I have opened a ticket into it a while back and the response I got started with Ha and ended with Ha!
But one can hope!

Most commonly this version. It’s a unique design for an Two-Handed Axe.

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Draconic Avenger.

Vanilla was a better time for weapon tmogs. Back when 2 handers were 2 handers.

Will always be this:

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(canonically one of only two weapons to kill the player, the other being Frostmourne)

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Overall I’d say mine is Glorenzelg, High Blade of the Silver Hand.

Brew master monk staves. The shoulder animation should just be built into the spec but that would be fun so here we are.

I have that, but mines red. Wondering why the color dif?

There are quite a few good ones, but I always love the Grand Scepter of the Nexus Kings - it’s pretty, but not as crazy as the Nexus Key.

For me? its always now and forever going to be:

This ol girl got me through a whole lot back in the day.
Big sword,
Big stats,
Big damage.
Simple as.

The Dark Knight’s Shadowbringers story conclusion sword.


Definitely my favourite weapon of all time (especially the Blood Red one) :grin:


Mine tooooo! Check my char

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In no particular order:

  1. Ashkandi
  2. The Venthyr Greatsword
  3. Typhoon
  4. DK Unholy Mage Tower Artifact
  5. Armageddon
  6. Cataclysm’s Edge (still hasn’t dropped for me!!)
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Mythic drops a red version, LFR-heroic drops the basic blue one. They’re both about 0.01% drop rate as cosmetics.

My man! TY for the info!

Wait, is that drop rate correct? 0.01%. Thats insane!

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lol ikr? It’s funny because when I started and in general I’ve always been about swords but I’ve had a thing for maces lately as well! That and weapons that have built-in glowing effects associated with them, :smiley::

One of my favs,

And also,

Both look great dual-wielding on a Fury Warrior!

This one is a staff, but I love the spikey/toothy look and innate purple/green glows of the normal and mythic versions. Looks great on a Druid or Survival Hunter; I’ve actually got the normal one rn mogged to this toon’s outfit rn, =P

And if we’re going real old-school vanilla one of the reasons why I decided to level up a Warrior was my first time on my Druid, seeing a Warrior run around with THIS strapped to their back. I was like oh my god that is the coolest thing I need to roll one of those and be as cool =D

For casters? Very Manly Staff - Item - World of Warcraft (

For melee: Gorehowl - Item - World of Warcraft (


Axe? :white_check_mark:

Rune weapon? :white_check_mark:

Kinda like Frostmourne? :white_check_mark:

My fave.

Close second would be the old corrupted ashbringer.