Your Favorite Two-Handed Weapon

What’s the staff from mechagon? That’s a really hard one to not use. Makes no sense on a mage but I use it every chance I get.

I actually built a Gnome Warrior so I could get that skin for my smaller Horde warriors.

My favorite is Armageddon.

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One of the few legendary weapons that looks amazing and still has a function today (you can still transform into a flying dragon mount).


Does it count if you dual wield a pair of two handers?
Main Hand:

Tint it blue with the Kyrian weapon enchant.
Off Hand:

Tint it red with the Venthyr weapon enchant.

I love contrast in any design.

A weapon with … legacy.

Used to mean something before they gave to every Tom, Dick, and Felguard in the game.

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The Holy Paladin artifact. Nice hammer transmogs from it and the fact that it comes with a built in libram is nice.

i wish the use effect on that and the face melter axe would transfer to transmogged weapons.

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This! I have opened a ticket into it a while back and the response I got started with Ha and ended with Ha!
But one can hope!

Most commonly this version. It’s a unique design for an Two-Handed Axe.

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Draconic Avenger.

Vanilla was a better time for weapon tmogs. Back when 2 handers were 2 handers.

Will always be this:

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(canonically one of only two weapons to kill the player, the other being Frostmourne)

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Overall I’d say mine is Glorenzelg, High Blade of the Silver Hand.

Brew master monk staves. The shoulder animation should just be built into the spec but that would be fun so here we are.

I have that, but mines red. Wondering why the color dif?

There are quite a few good ones, but I always love the Grand Scepter of the Nexus Kings - it’s pretty, but not as crazy as the Nexus Key.

For me? its always now and forever going to be:

This ol girl got me through a whole lot back in the day.
Big sword,
Big stats,
Big damage.
Simple as.

The Dark Knight’s Shadowbringers story conclusion sword.


Definitely my favourite weapon of all time (especially the Blood Red one) :grin:


Mine tooooo! Check my char

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