Your favorite race in WoW

Vaguely related, I kind of liked the Mario-64-esque races, but I liked to cheat:


Blood elves, then Tauren, then Magā€™har orcs.

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iā€™ll only play ogre if they have a terrible British accent like orcs from warhammerā€¦

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I am that kind of orc!


you put alot of words, thought, and time into thisā€¦

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I was basically a carbon copy of Squall when i was a teen, psychologically anyway, as i went through very similar trauma as a kid.

Heā€™s still one of my favorite FF character cause of that, heā€™s very well written and relatable.

Too bad the rest of the characters in that game are terrible -_-


Yeah i can agree to this, if Iā€™ve got to be honest I loved that we got a werewolf race in WoW. If not for the alliance on my server being a toxic mess Iā€™d probably of rolled one of every class by now. Nowā€¦ for the moment I know is going to get me trolled and made fun ofā€¦ my other favorite races in WoW are Vulpera, Tauren, Highmountain Tauren, Pandaren, and I canā€™t help but adore how the lightforged draenei seeming thicc compared to their non lightforged kin. Iā€™ve only got like four elves but only because I had to play elves at the time they were made. Like my blood elf mage was made back when the only race I liked the idea of being a mage for was blood elf, one nightborne as I couldnā€™t not have one but I ended up making them a mage too, then I had to use blood elf for DH as Iā€™m not a fan of playing night elves as Iā€™ve never liked Tyrande, and a void elf as the concept of a void imbued race was too tempting.

Iā€™d agree if it didnā€™t get copy and pasted over with the legion class animations. Butchered every single race for me.

I absolutely LOVED warrior as pandaren. argh iā€™m getting upset just thinking about it.

Bring back race/sex specific animations

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Human after their model update. They look way more detailed than all the other races.

BE females, and Female Draenei. Have not played alliance in a long time, but if i ever do again, its female Draenei ftw!

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Pandaren. Super cute and great lore. Pandas are also my IRL favorite animal by far. I have lots of panda stuff such as plushies and jewelry.

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I have 2 of every class between 60 and 70.

They are mostly Pandaren, female Draenei, and Trolls.

Didnā€™t say had to be a playable race so Gnolls.

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I have 3.
Velf/Belf > Undead > Dark Iron
Troll comes in close second


sad human female paladin noises

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Is this the age of Battlemanster :dracthyr_love_animated:


I was going for battlechad but battlemanster is also great

I genuinely donā€™t know how long i can last before i feel compelled to go back female lol

I tried using one of the mustache options and couldnā€™t take myself seriously :joy:


Favorite race will always be the Mechagnomes.

Titan constructed. Super intelligent. Can be cuteā€¦. But get on their bad side and you might as well set off a nuke.


All my toons are either female Pandaren or female gnomes.

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Everyone knows belf is the best race. Numbers donā€™t lie