I just thought I would make this topic for fun and asked what is your favorite race in WoW. Mine is the Trolls. There have a interesting lore and the troll girls can be surprisingly cute.
If we go by pure analytical data, I have more human characters than any other race, which seems strange to me these days because I really only play two of them (and one of those two is really just and AH alt).
Humans may be my most numerous characters, but they are probably down middle-of-the-pack for favorites. I’m kind of neutral towards them, neither really, really liking them nor hating them.
Now, if you add the dwarves I have with the dark iron dwarves I have, then I have more dwarven characters than humans though (16.26% “dwarves+Dark Irons” vs 15.45% humans). I do like to play dwarves more than humans, particularly female dark irons or female dwarves with wildhammer customizations. And, dwarves overall have my favorite voice samples and accent. Dwarves and Dark Iron Dwarves taken together are my 2nd favorite race.
But, female pandaren are probably my overall favorite race/racial subset (I’m not really a fan of the male pandaren design much at all). The voice is middle-of-the-road, but I like the model design and customization options that exist (really need more though). However, what really pushes female pandaren straight to the top of my favorites list is the great melee animations, which have remained my favorite since MoP.
Dwarves are probably my second favorite, with my preference being Dark Iron Female > Dwarf Female > Dwarf Male >>> Dark Iron Male.
I have problems deciding what race I would actually choose if I wanted to choose a 3rd favorite, so I have 3 that I like about equally well that I want to throw out some honorable mentions toward:
Honorable mention number one goes out to Tauren + Highmountain Tauren, which I quite like. I just like the entire concept of the race, how they look, how they sound (I know some don’t like the Highmountain female voice, but I really do), etc. I like both male and female of both Tauren and Highmountain though maybe female Highmountain ever-so-slightly more than the other 3 options.
Honorable mention number 2 goes to Kul’Tirans. I know they get flack for being so large (and, personally, I think they should at least have had the “thin human” option like here https://www.wowhead.com/news/kul-tiran-and-thin-human-customization-options-281238#thin-human ); however, I like them: the big, burly mini-ogre guys and the extra-thicc, tall-dwarf gals are fun to play. Plus, though not a huge number of options to select from, they have some of my favorite face options in the game. Plus, of all the the knock-back abilities in the game, Haymaker is by far my favorite. It’s such fun to sucker-punch someone off something, especially if they managed to hang on through Typhoon or something (though in >50% of the times I try to knock a flag carrier in WSG/Twin-Peaks back the other way, I end up giving them a big push forward instead…
). Though Kul’Tirans are meant to be brawny sailors or porters, they ended up more rotund Brutus than hulking Bluto…so, I instead I think of them more as circus sideshow strong (wo)men and find that they are nice for RP’ing as mobster-style gang enforcers etc.
And, for my third honorable mention, I want to also throw out some troll love like you. I will firstly point out though that I’m talking about Darkspear trolls because I’m not nearlly the same kind of fan of Zandalari: I just don’t really like their design as much. Darkspear Trolls might actually tie with Dwarves/DarkIron for my 2nd favorite race if they (looks around to make sure forum resident troll-toe-wiggler majinbewn/wiggletoes/chaosnachos/etc is truly taking a break from the game so he isn’t offended by the following statement) didn’t have such ugly, non-shoe-fitting feet. Yes, their are other races who cannot properly fit into footwear, but their paws or hooves are not so weird. If you could toggle on “show all footwear” or something, I’d honestly play more (darkspear) trolls. Still, even with the shoe issue, I do really, really like how trolls look otherwise, love their voice samples, love the whole vibe going on, like their animations, and especially love their druid forms. I also wish they (and NEs and Forsaken) could be paladins.
And, I’m honestly not being facetious on this statement: I would love to have the alpha female trolls as an option. Yeah, they are ugly, but I still think it’d be hilarious to play one (just like how I would have preferred to play a Broken-themed draenei than got the Lightforged that we did).
thats the alpha version troll lol
but back on topic blood elves
Goblins. Love their starting zone and their personality. Oh and their racials are cool.
2nd favorite blood elves obviously. Same reasons as above except they’re more beautiful.
Werewolves were always my favorite monster-creature since i’m a kid.
I love the psychology/duality tied to it and the fact it was probably a way for our ancestors to explain stuff like rabies or mental illness as most cultures have a variation of it (the Wendigo from Native American myths for example.)
It also plays on the fact everyone has a dark/monstrous side.
I also really like gothic/victorian aesthetic.
I rarely get to play as one though as either the classes i play are unavailable to them or there’s just better options racial-wise
I personally like the idea of being… Well me in a wild world. So human dude is my go to. But given the choice in single player games I prefer to play strong women.
I also have a sick interest with orc priests I made one the other day. Completely disgusting combination that I can’t get enough of.
Probably that world quest from shadowlands where you race down the hill in a cart.
Pit Lords
Pretty much the only race left in WoW who is legit evil just because they are too big too care.
Yeah, but that quest doesn’t have dozens of gnomes, so it’s obviously an inferior race (cue Rita post).
Ogre or Naga
I’m race changing the moment they become playable
Three legged
Bro aint no way youre an actual person
I suppose it would be a tie between Night Elves and Pandaren. Quite a few of my characters are one or the other, and I’m especially fond of Night Elf lore…at least to a point.
For a time, I was also quite fond of the Naga, but my fondness for them has been drained over the last few years.
But my favourite class is Evoker so can’t play one and just have to hope Bliz add visage options.
Orcs and Draenei. The two most interesting races. I love the dynamic between the two. I love the tragic edge to the story that lead to the fall of draenei civilization on Dreanor, and the rise of The Horde (which was also tragic for the orcs, in its own way.) In a lot of was I enjoy the Orc V Draenei dynamic more than the “headliner” Orc V Human dynamic.
And when I say The Draenei, I mean the race as a whole. Not just the pervasive forums fetishization of draenei females. They’re noble, stoic and have a quiet long-suffering strength to them. They’re also not without flaws, having a bit of depth with their contentious relationship with their Krokul.
I think the race as a whole is probably the most interesting addition made to the lore since WC3.
Yeah, i’d actually use the Visage form if i could be a Worgen or Tauren.
I dunno actually. I sure love Fem Draenei, but that ignores the race entirely.
I would say the Trolls too. They have a lot of flavor and some interesting stories. If I had to be one race in the game it would be Trolls.
R.I.P Vol’Jin. They did you bad.
Void Elves! I’ve liked edgy guys ever since I saw Squall in FF8 when I was like 6
The one in Maldraxxus where you use the torch to light the fires around the arena and try to avoid running into the slimes who dose it.