Your favorite monk race and why?

I love the monk class but can never settle on race. I’ve jumped around a lot, gave blizzard way more money on race changes than I care to admit. Been almost everything but panda strangely enough (use to not care for them but I’m coming around slowly). I’m currently night elf but thinking about going mechagome for the hilarity/rareness factor.

What race do you enjoy the most as monk be it horde or alliance? Do you have race envy like me or are you in your mind the master monk race? :grinning:

Gnome! escape from root/snares into roll helps with kiting/gap closing (depending on spec. Gives you 5% extra mana or 5 more energy too that helps you last in those fights longer or hit those more expensive abilities more often.

Shadowmeld is nice to have to drop combat, but is quite niche and not used so often.


I can never decide horde side what race looks good on monk. I bounce between orc, belf, and UD but I’m never really content. Human seems perfect if I played alliance.


I think most races make pretty cool monks. Belf is my favorite race, and I like them as monks so that’s what i go with. My second choice would probs be the chonky mag’har, and I would go void elf or human on alliance. I think night elf is cool too so maybe just keep it

I like being an undead monk. I was a panda when I tanked in NH but I LOVE the undead monk necrolord theme for brewmaster. Most races can fit a monk well and I love that aesthetic about the class.

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Love my Gnome monk! Escape artist is a must have!

Human. Look at this hair.

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I like my Troll
Long gangly limbs look good in animations
Mist colored skin/hair
Facepaint that looks like the old Demon masks from Chinese culture
Martial Art inspired dance.
Last but not least, Got to learn all the Hozen curse words playing as horde.


Can I beg for Worgen monks again?

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Dino daddy trolls have phenomenal armor proportions, but they don’t wear proper boots, which makes them #2 on my totem pole. I’d rank Belf as #1, because they can wear boots and just look great in the stellar transmogs we have available.

I’m a big fan of mechagnome. The racials are great but transmogs are tough and require some creativity. I’ve been void elf, elf, gnome and now mechagnome. Dwarfs are cool too.

Pandaren, because it’s the race that makes the most sense and should have been the only race allowed to select the monk class.


*Primary stat buff
*Emergency failsafe - has actually saved my bacon more than a few times.
*Clones - great for shaking off ai mobs that want to chase you down.
*Skeleton key ability
*never have to search for a forge when blacksmithing or engineering. Also don’t have to set out a cooking fire.


  • horrendous xmogs. Best to wear robes to cover that diaper.

Vulpera 100%. A fox wearing shorts while fisting and kicking people. What else do you need?

For a long time it was Dranei, kung fu space goats? Sign me the hell up! Plus that gift of the Nauru heal is a nice touch. Now since the release of Shadowlands I fell in love with the Nelf Shaggy hairstyle.

Tauren, i love how giant the armor is

Imagine getting round house kicked by a Tauren hoof? Say good night for sure!


kul tiran of course… a monk needs the HAYMAKER

and the 1% vers and brush it off

I got two tickets to the gun show

Pandaren…because Kung fu Panda obviously :panda_face: