Your favorite melee dps spec?

Combat/Outlaw rogue, always.

I agree with you. People who don’t enjoy SV have an agenda.

I haven’t found a melee spec i’ve enjoyed more than my Fury Warrior.

Fury Warrior.

It’s pretty mindless-smashy fun.

Three way tie between demon Hunter enhancement and fury.

All super fun and reletivly mindless.

Ret Pally, Frost dk, and enhancement shammy for me

It’s just fun!

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My main since day 1 of Vanilla has been an Arms Warrior.

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Lmao, or they just don’t like melee? But nope, gotta be a big anti-melee conspiracy.

Do you really want me to start posting your post history on the subject? I mean you ain’t the only one, but we could open that can of worms when I get home if you like.