The thread is titled “Survival Hunter wish list”. I have a wishlist for Survival, and it is the list of changes necessary to bring it back to being a ranged spec. So my posts are 100% relevant to the thread.
Plus, people in the thread are making arguments pertaining to ranged Survival so I have every reason to respond to them.
Your post was basically some forced tone-policing followed by what amounted to “if you don’t get it, you’re dumb”. So actually it describes your post a lot better.
That person is a Survival Hunter who very explicitly wants Survival to remain as a melee spec.
Why should I agree with compromises that make the class worse? There is no valid reason for Survival to be melee and therefore there is no valid reason for any compromise within the spec, either.
The post in question:
That’s not “Bepples has an agenda”. That’s literally “People who don’t enjoy SV have an agenda.”. It doesn’t get much more absurd than that. That new player who tried out Survival for a day or so and found out it wasn’t for them? AGENDA. Good lord.
There’s a distinct lack of concrete examples here.
Thanks for the feedback but I think I have even less regard for melee SV players than you do.
It’s hard to see melee SV working with Demon Hunter as melee SV is heavily defined around the pet at this point and DH does not have pets. It would require a total rebranding and a removal of all pet aspects and at that point it wouldn’t look much like melee SV at all.