Your favorite melee dps spec?

Hmm, I like a lot of the melee specs, having always enjoyed a melee fighting style, but if I had to pick a favorite…I think it would be Retribution paladin, this expansion. Which is ironic, because I hated it last expansion. For similar reasons to why I love it now. If I sound insane, yes, I just might be.
But seriously, it would be the paladin, just edging out the demon hunter because it can provide more utility in a group, on top of having better survival since demon hunters’ was nerfed this expansion.

Havoc DH.

Hated melee previously, but the DH has expanded my horizons on all other melee and has made me at least want to try.

Lucky for me I’m a raging altaholic.

Feral will always be my all-time favorite. Next is Havoc DH. (:

Feral all the way. Whether we are doing well or nerfed to the ground I’m always going to main Feral!

This right here. :heart: me some sin.

Meant to post as a feral! (Izanaami) I will always main feral here!

Unholy so far i do love two hander attacks

Assassination rogue


Playstyle-wise I had a lot of fun as a Frost DK when it was my main. A walking, talking, unstoppable blizzard of pain!

Survival Hunter and Arms Warrior about equally.

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Blood DK but Havoc DH is really growing on me this xpac.

I used to really like frost, but I haven’t touched it this expansion.

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Survival hunter is ridiculously fun. Shame people overlook it because ‘lul melee huntard’

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This one, an Enhancement Shaman. Because I’m a masochist.

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I “overlook” that spec because it pisses me off. We didn’t need another melee class and I was fine with Survival being a ranged spec.

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I overlook it because I loved what it used to be


Enhancement Shaman, because I will play this class until Bliz just finally deletes it.

Normally I hate melee, but I love assasination rogue. CC + DoTs. My main’s a lock.

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unholey dk bcuz im a undead menstrosity n i kill things w my ax

It is great that people overlook Survival. That spec deserves worse.