Your character name mispronouced

I usually just get “Chinese panda guy.”

I’m not even Chinese.

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So how do you pronounce it? I would guess S-air-zee-on.

But your name is. Just tell people how to pronounce it and they’ll stop calling you that. Unless you like being called Chinese panda guy.

Sare-zee-on would be my guess.

…and that’s what you said. I should get some sleep

That’s basically what I meant but didn’t know how to articulate the Saer. Lol

Rohzihnehvee said really fast

The name is Roh-zin-eye-vee said at the same speed one would say poison ivy clearly

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Father but with an exotic accent

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My name was pronounced “diapergnome” once.
That was weird since Hobbs isnt even hard to pronounce.

I used to have a character once named Kardalair after trying for like Karvesh (Name taken), Karversh (taken) Karvenair (taken) Kardalair(Open) that everyone routinely asked and said. “OH I LOVE THE KARDASHIANS!”

I deleted the toon.

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Sometimes I say Vay-cool sometimes I say Vaa-cool. I dont’ know how to say my own name and am always interested to hear how other people do it.

Remember when Ventrillo announced new members? Always wrong.

It’s pronounced John Madden.

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Do it with a French accent-- makes more sense…

Most try to pronounce it Taa-ah-- It’s just Tia.

Mine’s pretty straightforward. Crow-No. Plenty of people use the short “O” sound though and say Crah-No.

Also, I love to annoy people who use ß by appropriately pronouncing their name.

Oh, how’s is going Srad?

There was a joke in there about actually being a panda, but I guess it was too subtle :wink:

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Nobody has actually mispronounced my name. I think it’s pretty self-explanatory of a name, so it would be pretty hard to mispronounce it unless you are doing that on purpose.

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I simply go by Mara so no one has mispronounced it. If some1 did try full name I’m sure they could mess it up

What a story, Bypezy.

In Legion I mained a holy priest named Sarynae. My raid leader would pronounce it Sarn-yee. I just rolled with it I knew to whom he was referring to.

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