Your character name mispronouced


My 1st Diablo character was named Sundawn, still love that name :slight_smile:

It’s pronounced Sayr-ZY-on, like in Zion National Park :grinning: I usually capitalize the Z to show the phonetic emphasis, but WoW names don’t allow it lol.

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The amount of people that say “Katern/Katurn” is annoying. Has no one played the Star Wars Dark Forces games with Kyle Katarn?


People call me “Ahh-chay” or “Archy” “ayyych” or “acne” all the time. Which I find quite perplexing.

All. The. Time.
Hanse. Rhymes with Pants.

Not Honz or Honza or Hanzee.
Lol. :joy:



Not ‘ferrari’.

That’s ok. The forum itself is mispronouncing your race, which is weird because “human” isn’t even remotely close to diapergnome…

I’ve gone by various versions of “Lynx” for a couple of decades now across most games I play. I only went “Nightlynx” in WoW back during vanilla because Lynx got nabbed on launch day before I could get home from school and make my character, lol.

However, “Lynx” - being pronounced like “links”, as in the type of cat - often gets mispronounced as “Linux” as in the operating system. Once I even got called “Linksys” like the modem/router company… lol

No, it normally just gets shortened to small.

…The body…

Nay, lad. If they did I’d have to ask them what on Azeroth they were thinkin :laughing:

Back in the day, my main was a Mage called Sanil. All my guild mates called me Snail because I played on dial up for years.

Felt bad man.

I used to have a Mistweaver named Kotek. Kotek means “kitten” in Polish. It is a nice name and cute.

Raid lead and subsequently everyone else on my team started calling me “Kotex”, as in the feminine hygiene products.

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It’s hard to mispronounce Gaahr but boy do some people manage with flying colors.

I lold

They could call you ‘Bobby’, 'eh?:wink:

Too many people pronounce this character as “Pie-rax-os”. It is “Fear-ix-us”

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4 year old necro? seriously?