Your character name mispronouced


Most will see it at Kwan-toe

But it’s actually pronounced as Chian-tow which translate to Fist in chinese.

basically everyone in a voice chat will be saying it wrong unless i tell them.

Sock-full-a-fel is simple enough
 I’m blanking on the food thing though.

My name is pretty simple. I’ve a couple of times been called Hexx, and I had to tell them that I am NOT a female troll, I am NOT vile nor am I a priestess, and I do NOT live in the Hinterlands.

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Sock Falafel

It is Hamstar pronounced with an X.

Oh, of course, falafel. We don’t have those where I’m from. Really wish we did because they sound delicious

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I’ve had someone call this toon Tee-a-vora instead of Tie-vora. It was weird because I’ve never had an issue with this name before. I try to make all of my names easy to pronounce because I had one name that was constantly mispronounced back in the day, and it bothered me.

Mines pretty easy so have yet to have a fail on it. :slight_smile: Most of my characters are easy to say and leave little open for mistake.

 I’ve been mentally pronouncing it Koo-zie

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Not sure if it counts, but people keep shortening my name to Fox.

I kinda like it though!

Evern after reading this I’m seeing your name as Tay Vora.

Everyone does this, I’m Sock to all my guildies.

Your name would actually be pronounced:

Fath AY r (as in a long “a”)

An Ă© (e with an acute accent) is always pronounced the same way. So what way is that? Many books and websites will tell you that “ Ă© ” is pronounced like the English “ay”, as in “say” or “way”.

It is actually kind of hard to say it that way, but if they did they would be correct. If I was in voice chat with you, I would continually pronounce it that way to “be correct” and also to “really irritate you.”

In game, people usually just call me/Kylathia and Kybeorie “Ky” as in “keye.”


A guy called me tollbooth the other night.


Tai is more the Japanese pronunciation influence. ai = eye But Tay is better than Tee-ah. I was confused when the RL said it (from my friend’s guild). My old guildies called me Tai (Tie).

For some reason i read your name as Koopykins.


Darn! That would have seemed cuter. At the time I was just trying to stick with the beginning “Ky”, that my elves had, so people in that guild would know me easier.

Some people called me “Raze” or “Rays”.

I tell them it’s “R-A-Z - AH”.

For reference, I have always said my char’s name with the A sounding like apple.
Pass-iss, if you will.

A lot of people say Pay-sis, which is fine, and probably actually more correct given how it’s spelled. I have also had Puh-SEESS, Pay-seyes, Paris, Oasis, and I’m sure some others that I’ve since forgotten.

There is a character in paper mario named Koopie Koo. and Koopykins was the first thing that popped into my head when i saw your name.

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It’s na-sooona not naw-su-na

Someone asked me once where Paladin B was, I thought that was pretty funny and it is somewhat related. :rofl: