Your character is now part of an horrific vision. What do they do?

/Lets Sorina die.

Sounds tasty!

I sit quietly in a dark corner. If anyone tries to talk to me, I turn hostile. I disarm my opponents with my fishing rod and unleash my pet collection as one big continuous stampede.


If someone is attacking me when I’m corrupted and don’t know what i’m doing. I’ll do this as a distraction to get away. Then i’ll scream as I run away but with Eggs instead.

“Have a few eggs in these trying times.”

Then a kind someone cleans my mind with a special cleansing egg freeing my mind from the corruption giving me back my sanity and I go back to being normal again.

Sorina falls to madness and transforms into a massive elite K’thir with Psychic Scream and Mindflay.

Y̴̛͈͗̋̃͆̊͝ö̸̤̜̘͕̗͆͠ͅǘ̴̲͙̠̉̓̽̕ ̸̢̻̮̹͝a̸̡̜͇̦̱̫̺͑̾̀̎̓̿ŕ̸̛̻̂̉́͐̎͘e̸͍̱͍̼̜͔̒̀̒̾̕̕ ̶͔̬͎̃͌̈́̍̽͒̋̚a̸̛̭̹̫̪̽̃̈́͊̋̏͜ ̴̬͚̰͕͊̎͐̄́̽̄̿̈͊͜ͅͅp̶̻̯̒̓a̷͙̼̮͚͊́́͆̾́͌w̷̢͓͚̬̹͕̆͐͑̉͆́̕͝ͅǹ̵̜̤̺̗̭̰̼́̋̈́̔̓̇ͅ ̴͕͙̳̽̀͌͆́̋̂̔̇ȍ̴̭̤̺̐̎͂̀̾͗̚̚f̶̛̯̦͈̣͚̦̖̆̉͆͝ ̸̮̜͚̓̆f̴̛̳͉̗̰ǫ̸̤̖̠̞̞̠͓͎̐͌͋r̵͎̻̻̘̓͗͜c̶̨̱̋̾e̴͈̍̚͜͝ͅs̵̪̣̈̆͛ ̵̧̣̻̬̥͖̇̉̑̑͜͜u̶̬͈̭͍̣̣̳̓̈́̇̒͛̈́̊͊̚͘͜n̴̢̪̖̝̳͚̥̪̹̖͊͋͌͗̿̊̈́͋s̶̢̢̙͓̞͖͓̈̐e̴͈̻̤̻̳̹͇̣̎͌͠e̴͉̝̗̞̫̣̤̙̜̿̏̌̒͗͛̒ṋ̵͈͖̳̖̱̆̒̒̑̓͜͠ͅ.̴͕̈́


No… Not my one weakness… Rp bosses


For the glory of N’Zoth!

What do I do in the vision?..

… I ambush unsuspecting adventurers and chain polymorph them until their sanity runs out. While doing an evil laugh of course. :japanese_ogre:


I am pathetic and easy to beat, but whenever you take me out one of my infinite alts spawns and attacks you.


I put out little trays of cookies for people to enjoy.



I’d be a neutral NPC in vision with a pile of obviously not corroupted corpses in front of me

Attack me and I raise an army of the dead to be extra annoying, cuz ghouls explode when they die so be careful with that aoe

“You people never learn” and “Dying didnt stop me the first time…” as my lines

I have a chance to drop the 'Transgnomrifyer" toy that turns you into various gnomes


We shall have a cookout to determine whose biscuits are better, gnome!


No one beat’s Grumbles cookies, you lost the fight the second you made the challenge!

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Seth here would become a Void Elf (which he’d rather die than become) while believing he’s become Lightforged and throwing out light spells; everybody else is the enemy, or so he has been convinced. He also mind controls people into maiming themselves in various gruesome ways if they don’t LoS the MC cast in time, Life Grips people into sanity-reducing puddles (using void chains), and uses Mind Flay to slow people down while decreasing their sanity with each tick of the cast.

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Vanité would Leeroy whole zones in the vision, die to a stun lock and transfer all Aggro to the PC when dead. Then, she’d Rez and do it right.

Next zone: pull everything and die to a stun lock.

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Ooooh! Ooooor, I’d be a rare spawn with a super low chance legendary that’s BIS for the PC’s spec at a low drop rate. BUT! I take 90% of all sanity (including orbs) if killed.

You either kill me for your BIS, or you complete the vision. No other choice.


Hide in random blind corners and scare the crap out of people when there sanity is low.


Shadina’s already a closet shadow priest from a city that doesn’t like the void. But she’s also very stoic and takes her job / work seriously. I’d kinda want Shadina to be one of those creepy things - like the kids with the orphan matron over in Stormwind.

She’s probably just sitting by the fountain, rocking back and forth slowly, holding her head and mumbling to herself. Cause in the horrific vision, the void finally got to her in a way she’d never want it to. Just back and forth slowly, back and forth, and if someone got too close to her, she’d be very annoying. Greater fading whenever she could, fear bombing, dotting people randomly. She’d be one of those mobs you wanna pull off to a corner or a safe place and try to kill her before she gets ramp up.

If she successfully reaches full energy due to low dps or not kicking her, she enters void form and begins draining sanity for every dot tick.

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Give me back my void tendrils :frowning:

my Warlock loses himself to the void and takes on a monstrous form of both fel and shadow. He attacks using a chaosvoid bolt summons fel empowered void walkers and finally thinks that alleria will lead him to victory.

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Lacryma is ranting in Shath’yar about Sylvanas, the Blood Knights, and Magistry politics. There is a storm of papers and other useless documents orbiting her like a massive whirlwind.

As long as your within 30 yards, you lose 30 sanity per second. :wink:

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Hawke here would of been trying too escort sane civilians out of the city only to get dragged into the void slowly while screaming in complete horror at the situation.