Your cast for a live action warcraft movie

It was closer when the movie was closer to 2 hours or maybe over i forget what they said, but the executives didnt think anyone wants to sit that long for a movie at the theater. Thats why ill always say it got screwed by not coming out after a couple more avengers movies, then it could have fixed the problem of non fans not getting the entire plot of the movie and wouldnt feel as rushed in parts. Maybe the humans wouldnt have felt like the aliens in the movie

Would that make Cairn and Voljin the Bash Brothers?

idk, I think people are too quick to judge on things. I think there is a lot of hate on holywood these days for the sake of hating on hollywood. I personally like to wait and see and just judge based on my own experience.

Perhaps Whoopi Goldberg as Anduin. Amandala Stanberg as Jaina. Keke Palmer as Khadgar?

Taylor Swift as me.

Haha, No doubt in my mind.

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When the cover of the proverbial book says “Live action adaptation that misses the point of the game it’s adapting.”, i don’t need to read it.

And really, Hollywood has no excuse anymore after the 2023 super mario bro’s movie. At least tries to and almost looks like the game. Yeah the face of Mario and voice is bit to WAY off, but put those two side to-side, you look at them, you go “Oh that’s mario.” And not whatever the hecko 1993 one is.

Oh cool, I see you talking but I’m hearing Charlies words come out of your mouth it’s kinda strange.

I don’t know who that is.

Is that a reference i don’t get because i’m a millennial? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

There’s Galadriel from Lord of the Rings with a minimum of CGI, a gorgeous Elf. I think they could manage fine with live actors in those roles.

Travis Fimmel is not that great an actor and I say that as another Aussie. He is ok but I reckon we could do better for Varian. My choice would be Matt Bomer. He is an award winning actor

An entire cast of new actors that haven’t been in anything major before.