Your cast for a live action warcraft movie

Everyone would believe he has a split personality

Is there something wrong with me because I would be okay with this. Well there is one members whose voice irritates me.

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Placing bets that it’s either Taliesin or Marisha.

Ron Perlman for Thrall
Scarlett Johansen for Jaina
John Rhys-Davies for Brann / Magni
Sean Bean for Anduin (because he dies in almost every movie)
Ewan McGregor for Khadgar

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I shall name no names.

Wesley Snipes as Faerin.

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Jon Hamm as everyone.

Including Jaina.

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Myself, playing all roles.
I just need a wizard hat, a cape, and a stick that could double up as either a staff or a sword.

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Id cast peter dinklage as arthas.

He’d have to be on a horse for most scenes though, because it’s integral for the Character

Henry Cavil, every single character.

We need some Keanu Reeves in there somewhere… and some Nick Cage, but only if he isn’t allowed to talk.

For Thrall, Chris Pratt.

For Anduin, Chris Pratt.

For Jaina? Chris Pratt.

Garrosh? You guessed it, Chris Pratt.

Khadgar should be played by Pedro Pascal.

Alleria can be played by Chris Pratt.

They already made one. It was “successful enough” to make money, but it wasn’t a blockbuster that made bucketloads of money, so they aren’t going to do any more.

Emilio Estevez as Thrall.

He has to unite and coach an underdog team of Horde to take on the mighty Allience.

I know that i even brought it up. And i actually liked the movie too and so dis china

The one we had was a pretty awesome cast. There is a reason it did well in China. That level of fantasy just doesn’t do well unless it is a really established brand like LOTR or Dune.

I would guy the live action idea for sola-digital and a really tight script.

Johnny Depp as Wrathion
thats all I got really.


I liked it too. I wish it had gone a little bit closer to the game continuity rather than totally changing everything. But yeah, it was never going to be a major blockbuster, but it did well enough to make money and in its time was the most successful video game movie.

Maybe if it had something like the first Sonic movie did, where the director delayed the movie and listened to fans, the PR boost would’ve been enough to put it over the top.

Nic Cage as Arthas.

I rather Just get me the Overwatch cinematic team for that and be done with it.

It’s perfectly okay to make a video game movie …

turns around sharply to the minecraft movie… LOOK LIKE THE GAME. :angry:



Hollywood. :roll_eyes: :wine_glass: