Your biggest annoyance in battlegrounds?

GOD, YES. This or people that say “inc stables” only after they started fighting, lost and 2 seconds before the flag has been capped. :rage::rage:


Anyone on the Alliance who drops a “gg” the second the game isn’t going our way

The people who don’t understand that our node that just got zerged and capped by 3/4 of the other team means that their other nodes are now vulnerable and instead just spawn and run straight back, single file, to get mowed down the entire game to the node that just got taken.


“Blatant” afkers/leeches are my biggest annoyance in bgs by far.

Unfortunately, it seems to be an epidemic in Alliance epic bgs. And it’s the same guys in game after game (you know who you are, shame on you).

Like, if they’re nice or keep their mouth shut, that’s one thing - I can “look the other way” on that. It’s still somewhat annoying, but usually there is enough DPS pumpers/healing pumpers to carry 1 or 2 deadweights in a 40-man team.

But some of these guys also happen to be rather toxic, and I take an issue with these particular a-holes. So they’ll be afking at IBGY, or in a Wintergrasp turret, and talking trash about how much Alliance sucks the whole game, or talking trash about other players… while they themselves have “0” damage on the charts :roll_eyes:

They sometimes get called out for having “0” damage or “0” healing, and then “magically” you see their characters start to move on the minimap :roll_eyes: … or they’ll (temporarily) leave their afk spot to go throw out some quick DoTs to get a token amount of “damage” on the boards :roll_eyes:

At least 2-3 of these types in some Alliance epic bg matches, it’s quite noticeable if you play lots of 40-mans.

It’s not necessarily the afking itself (which is bad enough), but the combination of toxicity “plus” afking that pisses me off.


Other players. I don’t just want solo queue BGs. I want solo BGs, where I’m the only person in there.


Well if it’s a rogue or Druid attacking …

Anytime someone starts the BG with “We always lose…this faction is trash”.
Happens on both sides. I wish that would automatically kick them from the BG.


If youre a class that has access to Bloodlust and dont use it.

I would rather you sit in a corner of the map and hit bloodlust on CD while not even contributing to the BG, rather than actually playing but never using bloodlust.


No, I get that - that’s why I said “only after they have lost the fight and the flag is being assaulted”. Much more beneficial to say ‘inc st’ during combat in case you lose rather than waiting until you do lose and people don’t have time to respond.

I’ve literally been in Alliance epic bgs where pugs didn’t push hero until the first teamfight was almost over (and a few times after the teamfight was over :man_facepalming: ), despite there being 2-3 Mages and like 2 Shamans on the team :joy:

SR fight, hangar fight, Dark Woods fight in Ashran, the list goes on…

Yes, it’s super annoying. If you’re not popping hero/lust immediately when the first teamfight starts, that’s pretty much gg. Fairly easy way to “throw” a match in the first few minutes.

Well sometimes you think you can win :wink:

I have found that certain ppl are too fast to call out and don’t put a no … and half the team runs to a node to fight one guy .

This is also very annoying. Often see calls for 1 person when there are 2 people on the node defending… in theory they should be able to handle the one guy hahaha


The way I handle this (in little bgs), is as follows: if it’s only 1 enemy approaching the flag, if I think I can win the 1v1, I don’t call inc at all - I just try to handle it myself.

I do this for the same reason you are bringing up - pugs sometimes respond to an “inc” call by sending half the team (or up to like 75% of the team :man_facepalming: ).

I’ll only call “inc” if it’s 2 or more players approaching.

In the cases where I get jumped by a Rogue/Feral Druid, I’ll just pop defensives and call for help if it’s more than 1.


They need to stop backfilling BG’s period… if a team AFK’s out then they afk out and it’s a win for the other side. Getting your que time wasted by back-filling a bg where the other team is clearly in command is annoying AF! They also need to increase the AFK penalty to account wide… You AKF out or “DC” you sit in PVP timeout for an Hour…


They are annoying, yes, but what about that player who pops Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp just as the match starts?

Doors open, you start riding, and that guy pops the CD well before the enemy is in sight. Those players annoy the heck out of me, especially when it’s in an epic BG.

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God, yes. Every single game.

Playing against mythic raiders


Players who call ‘inc’ after they’re already dead and the node was capped.


I actually think calling inc with the number incoming is still helpful information to communicate. It lets teammates Know that you’re engaged and thus can’t respond to requests for help somewhere else, and it also gives a xonrinuously updating report on the numbers game,

For example, If one person at gm says 1 inc, bs says 2 inc, farm says 4 inc, a player then knows there are 8 allies unaccounted for and to keep that in mind when picking routs to travel.

Just my opinion,

In other words it’s information for the whole team about the numbers game,

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Demon Hunters

Mongo “I can’t die during meta”

meta goes down

Oh I’m losing??

/Felrush out of everyone’s reach

Such training wheels


People who go into BG’s and have no idea what the objectives are. The game has been out almost 15 years, there’s no way there are this many new players.