You wouldn't tell a Hunter to use Feign Death as a DPS cooldown

New Talents

You Only Die Twice - Feign Death has two charges.

From the Grave - Feign Death resets the cooldown of Kill Shot and boosts its critical strike chance to 100% if used while laying on the floor.

A Quick Death - Boosts Haste by 20% for 10 seconds after getting up from Feign Death.


I’m not sure what you’re getting at here. Is your argument FD should be more useful for a rotation or that Vanish shouldn’t be required for rogue dps?

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I’m saying I hate subterfuge and it’s a stupid design. :rofl:


Ah I gotcha, I misunderstood cuz I thought FD and Vanish were most comparable in the two movesets and was trying to figure it out.

I get what you are saying. I dislike Utility spells and abilities being part of a DPS rotation as well. I was a Feral Druid for years. I absolutely Hated having to use my healing spell as a way to trigger our increased damage buff. It’s a heal. It’s should be there for me to heal myself or teammates, when the situation calls for it. Not to get my damage up.


It is a stupid design. But some losers here didnt like Shadow Dance so Blizzard needed to come up with something else that would have the same effect.

If you hate it so much, ask for Shadow Dance back.

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That won’t change the fact that our DPS profile is designed around stealth abilities. Probably make it worse.

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I don’t want that changed. Supercharger is an option if you dont like that (although they really gotta bring it back down to 1 talent point).

Shadow Dance took away the need to use Vanish for dps though.

Shadow Dance still exists.
Just play Sub.

Don’t play Sub? I wonder why…

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What is the difference of shadow dance vs the extra vanish with subterfuge? Outside of sub spec.

Why do people prefer shadow dance? The extra vanish does the same plus more utility? And cdrs with outlaw

People asking for outlaw to stop playing like sub. Then asks for shadow step and dance back :laughing:. Also saw other people wanting dread blades back, aka outlaw version of shadow blades lol.


I hate that I can’t solo dps anything because the stupid vanish resets the mob…sometimes even when they’re casting. Seems like a lazy oversight.


Shadiw Dance is preferred because having the dedicated button for offensive stealth usage, meant Vanish could be saved for the Utility its meant to be. Vanish being used both offensively and defensively overloads the button and stops it from being used for one or the other.

The extra Vanish doesnt give you any extra utility, it just allows you to hold the ability for longer. Its still a 2min CD.

Having Shadow Dance doesnt mean a spec is playing like Sub.

Sin plays horribly without it in M+. I dont care if its currently the most popular M+ spec. It feels horrible to play without Dance. Vanish has a 2 min cd, Dance was 1 min.

This has never been a concern for me but it is a good point.

This has bothered me since I leveled my first rogue (silly me, I thought it sounded like a good class for doing content solo). Why remove shadow dance as a capstone only to replace it with a crummier version that only works reasonably for group content/PVP as a CC machine.

Edit: coming from someone who was in favor of removing shadow dance as a capstone

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I miss shadowstep every time I play outlaw. Didn’t play like sub though, never took shadowdance. I did take subterfuge before it was nerfed because being able to use toys and hearth in stealth felt very rogue.

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idk the 4 charges of GH on outlaw feel amazing

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So obvious answer is to make it a choice node.

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it feels amazing in pvp. i have yet to say, wow im so happy i have a 2nd charge of GH in anything else. shadowstep with 2 charges is still just better. GH also is still broken and bugged and can just clip and you waste a charge. they could add 4 actual charges to GH and you get the free use after each one and i would still prefer shadowstep. and the free use of GH after the first inital feels bad when you cant use it anywhere cause you get like 4 seconds to use it. so i also dont see how its a positive to take away shadowstep.

Because, for some baffling reason, people wanted Outlaw to mimic Subtlety as much as possible because they didn’t want to actually play Subtlety.

Hence Crackshot exists in its current state.


“The ability was removed because people had the audacity to want it and i hadnt yet gotten what i wanted”

Just to be clear, I don’t want shadow dance on outlaw either. I want Outlaw to play like Combat, really. Leave that stealth abilities during combat stuff for the other specs.