You wont want to hear this but

I think its time we bring back 20/20 D stance. D stance feels so incredibly useless to press now. Just feels so hard to actually mitigate damage off my team when im also the primary kill target most games because im the easiest to attack and kill.

Also, it would be flawed if you’re basing the tankiness of arms off the ones playing with rdruids, anything playing with an rdruid is immortal.


Dear God, no. Do not give arms anything else.


Did kalvish not humble you at all? YOU !!! are the problem, not the spec.


Isn’t this the kid who bought his glad according to discord lmao. You sir, are a noob.

Man how oblivious can you be. I am telling you arms players have been so coddled their entire lifes that they are complaining RIGHT NOW they arent tanky enough.


If we remove ignore pain and put renewal…i mean impending on at least a minute cd then 20 deff stance doesn’t look that unreasonable anymore


Im not defending Mud in his atrocity of a post but no he isnt the kid who bought glad

Did you really ask to get even more tanky on an Arms?

That would make arms unkillable in the lower brackets where it’s already oppressive.


My name mud I won’t stop suggesting changes until warriors are unstoppable, unkillable juggernauts capable of being played by the blind on a wiimote.


Yeah but a lot of specs have a direct dmg trade-off when they are being trained, no? Not sure if that’s a bad game mechanic or totally fine. Like, do you lose dmg when you spend rage on Ignore Pain? Not really. But DKs spending RP on deathstrike is a big dmg nerf in a matchup when they are being trained or “the easiest to attack”.

whens my turn


This is the most incredible thing I’ve seen today.

I would prefer a 20/30 but that is probably because I dont want to see a warrior every other match. That being said just be happy you dont have feral survivability.

Which means he is more than capable of getting rank 1 with the toolkit provided currently. All those changes would likely do is cause me to fight a warrior every other match who refuses to die. Like I said previously warriors can be glad they dont have feral survivability.

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Mud def trolling, nj.


10%/10% would be fine

Pushign 15%/15% would let a DPS turtle because DPS take so little damage compared to tanks.

So true king.

In addition, it should also be a permanent spell reflect and thorns.

Should also allow you to purchase unlimited Trophies of Strife

Weve been there in SL. The 20% penalty did absolutely nothing they just SAT in dstance and used battlestance to basicslly burst every colossus smash or condemn and then they lose 10% and back to dstance. Arms has no tradeoff to playing defensively.

-Right now when going dstance they should Have their rage generation gutted
-Ignore pain needs to come off the gcd and needs to be affected by dampening same for impending victory.