You wont want to hear this but

this is what we need :sunglasses:


Do players in the higher ratings go Warrior? I do occasionally if the Warrior is clearly ungeared or playing bad but, I never see anybody prefer to kill an Arms Warrior over something else. Could he be trolling? Gotta be right?

I feel like Throwdown could really help Warriors survive a little longer. Might be time to bring it back?

  • Throwdown
  • Melee range
  • 15 Rage
  • 45 sec cooldown
  • [Instant]
  • Requires Melee Weapon
  • Requires Battle Stance
  • Knocks the target to the ground and stuns it for 5 sec (off stun dr as it’s technically a knockdown effect).
  • During the knockdown animation, a trinket will have no effect, meaning this is 1.5 seconds of unstoppable stun in PvP

When arms had throw down it was one of the worst melee in the game. I’d be fine with that again. :slight_smile:

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In wow everyone thinks they’re really good at the game and if they lose it’s some reason other than themselves. It’s never been this bad:

Mix of entitlement in general and the snowflake generation becoming adults.

Throwdown was so hilariously janky.
Throwdown a mage, watch them blink the ‘stun’, but they are still stuck in the throwdown animation.

Arms’ defensive kit is insane and ignore pain the best throughput HPS atm for a DPS. combined with defensive stance and other passive sustains.

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You shouldn’t even need a stance you have plate. It’s preposterous that warriors have multiple stances and one can remove the damage they take that significantly. That just makes no sense. Ret paladin has only auras no stance (despite being plate) and the most dmg they reduce is only 3%. Not very fair.

Stances don’t even make sense and don’t work with the warrior class theme. It would make more sense for a karate master, maybe a monk. Definitely not a warrior.

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We can make a fake video like this for your channel too bud… hit me up…

If you intervene a sub rogues go you just drop instead.

I think it’s time to remove warriors 5000 blade storms and increase Berzerker rage CD by 400%


Yeah, Arms needs to be stronger.

what’s the trade-off for having devotion aura up? :thinking:

I agree. Buff arms warrior, bm hunter, and resto druid.

Good talk.

I disagree.

As far as I’m concerned, they need to go hard on stances and bring warriors back to a point where smart stance dancing and rage management actually mattered. Skills being exclusively bound to certain stances and make the trade offs meaningful.

I have no idea how you get to a point thinking stances are not thematically appropriate for the class either.

This glue eating apelike class currently is a shell of it’s long since expired former self.

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completely delete this cringe arms warrior bleed build. If i wanted to play around bleeds i would go play feral or assas rogue.

Make the specs damage revolve around phat Mortal strikes and executes.


We agree, this bleed build doesn’t feel warriory.

Warrior is fine, Please move along.

Pretty sure I faced this guy in 2s and he was with an Rdrood btw…

I read this in the voice and rhythm of Les Claypool