You won't quit WoW!

I already got my refund​:clown_face::slightly_smiling_face:

Cataclysm and wod are proof people do quit


Sorry to burst your bubble NOT BUYING OR MY WIFE. Not taking this crap they’re now hand feeding us anymore. Each to their own I’m happy for those that want to play it. 12 mil subs to maybe 1.5 mil speaks volumes.

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I have a friend who “quits” all the time, then comes back to level when there are new quests. Then “quits” again without ever raiding or doing much of anything else. He subscribes maybe 4-6 months each expac. He has absolutely no interest in endgame.

My husband quit during MoP and never came back, even when he sees me playing the game these days. My longest break was seven years, and then I was gone for most of BfA. At this point, my only interest in WoW is filling out my collections tab because I like a lot of the art team’s designs. The story and game direction are no longer selling points for me, so while I probably won’t quit the game permanently, I’m really only subbed for like three or four months of the year.

People do quit. A lot of people have. Every friend I made in this game (around 15 real life friends) have quit. No one has interest in this expansion. It’s quite lonely in this game, need new friends!

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Maybe that’s the part they REALLY love. The forums! People don’t care about the game. I remember before MMO’s there were forums like these. They pay a monthly fee to have a place where they have “friends” and can complain about everything :slight_smile:

uh huh.
I had bought multiple $60 copies of Shadowlands for my accounts.
Ask blizzard how that worked out for them.
I refunded ALL of them and repurchased ONE $40 copy…all due to the irritations of the crap theyve been pulling of late.

Duh it’s obvious we love the game, that’s why we complain, to see it improved.
If we didn’t like it we’d just quit and let Blizzard destroy it with their stupid decisions lol

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Is that a bad thing though? People are frustrated BECAUSE they love the game, not in spite of it. Most of my longterm wow friends have quit, and only come back for half a month or so every few years, and these were people who no lifed the game constantly in past expansions. It’s understandable to be frustrated beyond beleif with the game’s current direction, while still wanting to consume the game that many of us grew up with.

People who quit do just that, uninstall the game and move on. Crybabies on forums making rage quit threads don’t.

I feel like the forums are the best indicator that people really care about the game, or else they wouldn’t complain.

When no one complains… that’s a big indicator that there’s a huge problem.



You’ve won the war already, friend. you can lay down the sword.

Father… is it… over?

I see… only… multiboxers... finding new ways to cheat...



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I get some of you are very frustrated about certain things, but alas you are here responding. You know you love the game… I know you love the game… otherwise why the hell would you be reading a forum post about quitting?

I came pretty close to quitting during BFA and only stayed because I still have actual story in previous expacs to experience not the fanfiction dream that is BFA.

If Shadowlands like another BFA, I’m pretty sure I’ll quit WoW and just watch videos to get up to speed on lore.

Strange cause if you go by what Blizzard is saying this is the most popular expansion yet by preorders.

That was caused by Legion. Legion being a decent expansion caused people to think BFA would be good and pre-ordered.

It’s false narrative to think BFA is the reason people pre-ordered BFA.

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Lol I can quit anytime I want, because wow isn’t my life.

Nah I didn’t think BfA was going to be like Legion personally. I bought it cause I was all hyped up by the expansion, and new content is new content obviously.