You won't quit WoW!

i love wow but it’s like a crazy spouse that lies and cheats on me every day


Well I wasn’t planning on it anyway I just spent 1k on a new pc. But other people might … I mean the game used to have over 10 mill players :confused: people quit fam and a lot

only to be with you in game :heart:

:slight_smile: you make me flabbergasted <3

Damn this rings true lol. At least its not CATA all over again where I was dumb enough to sign up for a year just to get Tyreal’s Charger lol…

I think people who actually quit…just quit. People who just want attention, make threads on the forums about quitting .

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Yeah pretty much

shakes and drools
I got it have it…shiver…got…to…have…it

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If I don’t like an xpac, i leave until the prepatch of the next. Then I get excited and disappointed again… It’s a cycle I don’t mind. I’m not big on paying subs religiously, not if you are no longer enjoying logging in. I can go years without playing. I could easily quit forever if I felt like it.

Honestly, when I get disgusted I simply stop playing current content and go back to old comfy content. It’s never long before I’m fully recharged.

Eh nonsense people can quit temporarily. Quitting doesn’t mean you never come back. Done it before and I can do it again if Shadowlands is terrible.

I have played since preoatch released. Pribabaly won’t until SL is up.

I know I won’t :slight_smile:

Well Blizz does give me rewards so there’s that.

I love food and sweet tea but I hate that humans have to excrete waste, I’d love to be a cyborg and play wow literally 24/7 :+1:

You can love somehting and hate parts of it like aoe cap :unamused: and 20m rares with <100% drop rates for a 2 week event.

roh ro raggy

Actually, no, I do quit. I was really upset back in Legion over the Allied Race rep grind which I thought was absurd. I said I would quit if it went live. I was flamed on the forums a bit, but some people agreed with me.

Once Blizzard made the official announcement of Allied Races and the rep grinds were indeed required, I cancelled my subscription. That was two years ago and I’ve been playing FFXIV ever since. That is now my main game. I only recently came back when the rep grind was dropped in the new pre-patch stuff. I wanted to see what direction the game was going in.

Sadly, for me, even though I now have all the Allied Races I want, I still don’t like the overall direction of the game. It just seems to lack vision and soul. So, I now have about 60 hours left on my gametime and am not renewing and am not buying Shadowlands.

So, back FFXIV I go. I’ll see you in another two years to check out the next expansion. :slight_smile:


Wow had 12 million players during wrath.
People do quit.


Quit, no. Long pauses where I am unsubbed, yes. Reason I will unsub, which I have done every exp since WoD, is the lack of flying after lvling a couple of toons. Hell BFA I lvled one guy and quit 3 weeks. Once flying is allowed I will resub.

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I quit for years at a time.

Best giggle tonight. Sorry people treat me badly I never go back. I don’t forgive or forget to easy.

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I do think the next time I quit it’ll be permanent.

There’s not a game like this out there. I’ve come to the understanding that there likely never will be.

The worst part is I wouldn’t quit because I’m upset with their direction of the game (Which I am), I would quit because it all just feels so terribly boring to me. I’m going to be playing Shadowlands, but if there ever comes a point I find myself logging in for 3 minutes a day to check auctions and then logging out because I can’t find anything that feels fun to do? I’m done.

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