You won't quit WoW!

Be honest with yourself here. You know you love this game and can’t get enough of it. You know you are going to buy Shadowlands because you can’t resist. So I don’t believe you. I don’t believe you also dislike all of the things you say you do. I think you’re just venting and really love the game.

I don’t buy it and won’t buy it!


They do quit though.
Just till the next expansion is announced.


Someone will say something about loving the game so much as to why they spend 24/7 crying on the forums demanding people be fired. Lol



It’s like that one ex that treats you horribly, but you come back.

You always come back.

They’ll change this time, baby, they swear!


And every major patch leading up to it!

I always am.

I’ve never stated that I’m done with WoW “permanently” because I know it’s just not true. I’ve taken 6 - 8 month breaks from the game. But that’s it… I’ve never “quit” the game before and I probably won’t until the ship is fully sunken. :man_shrugging:

We’re about half way depending on how Shadowlands goes. :grimacing:


Yeah I do love the game and I have already bought Shadowlands.

Nope, I definitely dislike all of the things I say I dislike, like this pre patch currently.

Part of me would like to but nothing else compares to the depth it has.

It has been ratty to be sure story wise but what other game would let you play as an orc shaman who doesn’t mindless hound for blood? Or a sophisticated wolfman? A berserker Lombax-like creature?

Its tinged with just enough flavor to wet my interest…you just shouldn’t stick around for the left-overs like the pre-patch.

Stopped having fun a bit go. It is my pathetic, Fury Warrior. I need a break.

I bought Shadowlands a couple of weeks after it became available.

Then I found all the “great” Youtube videos that told me all about everything coming in Shadowlands.

None of what I saw even holds a interest to me. Nothing but grind after miserable grind and you have to do it every week.

No thank you, not doing it.

I will find other ways to get all my characters to level 60.


i will take breaks though

I enjoy it, but I do take breaks cuz well you can’t play anything for months on end

YOU!!! Are correct. I have tried, and it’s futile. Quitting is for… quitters anyhow.

bought the collectors edition the day it was available.

wow fo eva!

I do know plenty who did though. Among them, only 1 has come back. He quit during ICC, and came back this year. He only plays Classic.


Nope, but when I do I’ll be sure to type my life story on these here forums and announce my departure like we’re in an airport!


i’ll quit if a superior mmo shows up. just hasn’t happened yet :slight_smile:

I wonder where those WotLK sub numbers went…
Oh yeah, they didn’t come back at all ever.


I’m not admitting I’m addicted. Its only addiction if it interferes with my happiness and my life. I will buy SL however because I like WoW.

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No one ever quits, they just take breaks.